Chapter 35: What on Earth did I agree to?

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Despite my obvious unhappiness, the couple blindfolded me, refusing to let me see the way to the others. Which, I must admit, was pretty smart of them.

Either one of the male's had a grip on each of my arms, walking me down the seemingly endless hallways. Down a flight of stairs, pass quite a few guards and finally we came to a stop where I could hear a familiar male voice arguing with a not so familiar voice.

Cry having a screaming competition with one of the guards, said guard burst open the door with a huff "boss" he grumbled, still obviously angry.

There was a rough push on my  back, sending me stumbling forwards. My hands were released and I quickly pulled the blindfold off. With my eyes used to the dark due to the blind fold, I could easily find Cry sitting in the middle of the room.

"(Y/N)?" he whispered in shock.

"Cry! I don't have much time, I've got some information from the people that took us" I took a step closer to him.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!" he yelled quickly. I jumped slightly, taking a step back out of surprise. He let out a shaky breath "s-sorry, they-- they took my mask so..." he trailed off.

"Seriously? You care about that in this situation?"

"I'm sorry" he mumbled, quietly.

I let out a quiet sigh, but I understood and came no closer. "I've been trying to figure out the people here, the boss is a young guy, Roy. He seems like a push over but-- but I have a hunch that he's seriously messed up".

I lowered myself to my knees, balling my hands up into my lap "I had to agree to help them with something to see you".

"What?!" he exclamation was sharp "why would you do that? You have no idea what they could ask you to do!".

I flinched at his tone "I know that! But if I couldn't come and see you, who knows what they will do to us! We need a plan, Cry. We need to find everyone and get the hell out of here before they decide they're tired to playing with us".

The wooden chair gave a creak as he leaned back "well what do you suggest we do?".

I furrowed my brows "honestly, I have no idea". A loud series of bangs echoed throughout the room, Chris was knocking on the door roughly "hurry it up in there, Princess. We don't have all day".

I glanced at the door "if you can get out, go up the stairs, I don't know where the are and I don't know which room I'm in but it's upstairs okay?" I whispered hurriedly. "And if I get out, I'll come find you" I added.

There was another loud series of bangs "come on! Hurry up!" it was Roy's voice this time. Closing my eyes, I jumped onto my feet and rushed towards him, leaning down to press my lips to his cheek "I'll find you".

I could feel him tense under the gentle kiss, and a sharp intake of breath. The door was thrown open and light flooded into the room, as I pulled back, I felt Cry relax upon seeing my closed eyes.

"Alright, lover birds, break it up" those familiar hands grasped my arms and pulled me back quickly.

"I'll see you soon, okay? Wait for me Cry!"

I was being dragged backwards and just when I felt the cool breeze on my back from the door way, I dared to open my eyes. And as Roy surged a hand forward to grasp the handle, piercing blue eyes met mine.

And as my eyes widened, the door slammed closed. With a shuddering gasp, I stared wide eyed at the door in front of me.

"What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

"He-- he has blue eyes" I whispered.

Roy and Chris exchanged a confused glance before the light was blocked out and the fabric of the blindfold was tied up behind my head.


The blindfold was pulled off of my head roughly, as I was plopped down in a seat roughly. I flinched at the light hitting my eyelids, slowly peeling them open, I glanced at my surroundings.

I was in the same room as before, Roy's 'office', if you could call it that. Chris had taken a seat beside Roy, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. Roy shuffled forward so he was sitting on the edge of the seat, one leg crossed over the other and he leaned onto his forearms.

"Now, down to business. What we want you to do is get a little something for us, one of our men left it behind when he was running from the Greenies".

I looked at the warily "what's the catch?" I mumbled hesitantly, it seemed far to easy to just pop out and grab something. Roy and Chris glanced at each other, before the blonde turned his attention back to me, his expression painfully innocent "catch? There's no catch" he chirped.

"It's just a little crowded" he added quietly.

I leaned back in my seat and let out a deep sigh "well I don't really have a choice, do I?"

Roy grinned and jumped up "that's the spirit! Now come on over to my desk, I'll show you where you have to go".

And as the male grasped my wrist and excitedly tugged me towards the desk, I caught a glance of Chris. His expression was solemn and guilty, and as he met my gaze, he shook his head and looked away.

Something tells me, that I was making a huge mistake by going on this trip.

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