Chapter 24: Neck and Neck

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The smoke lifting off of the hole in the barrel, the smell of gunpowder in the air. The sticky sensation of the oxidized blood splattered on my skin. The whispered around us, the worried yells, the smug expression on his face. His face.

Devlin's face

I clenched by jaw as he made his way over, tucking his gun into his holster at his hip. Stopping up my side and thrusting his hand in front of my face, the urge to slap it away was prominent, but he had saved my life.

With an audible huff, I took his hand. With a powerful yank, I was pulled to my feet - stumbling forward slightly. I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself, releasing shocked pants at the sudden movement. I could feel the steady beating beneath my finger tips, his obvious muscles under the palms of my hands.

I could feel  his chest rumble as he chuckled "honey, not when the other's are watching~" he purred teasingly. Clenching my jaw, I rolled my head - landing a harsh punch to his chest with the side of my fist, effectively pushing him away.

Devlin let out a laugh as he stumbled back "you're welcome...?" he rose a brow expectantly, I grumbled - crossing my arms and looking off to the side "thanks for saving me" I muttered under my breath.

The male gave a wink "if you ever need saving again, call me" he held up his hand, holding out his thumb and pinky and holding his hand to his ear - in a phone motion. I gave a scoff and rolled my eyes, dropping my arms to my sides as I blocked out his obnoxious laughter.

Cry made his rushed way over, checking me for injuries "are you okay?" he asked worriedly "I'm fine, no scratches, no bites" I assured. The masked let out a sigh of relief, he head turned to the side slightly - the direction of Devlin, who was happily chatting with Mark and Felix. His hands visibly clenched and unclenched as he gazed at the male.

I placed my hand on Cry's shoulder "hey, you okay?" I whispered. His head swivelled around to face me quickly, his hands stopped their movements. Fingertips twitching as he tried his best not to do it once more, he took a deep breath - his breath shaking lightly.

"I--" he paused "I'm fine" he muttered, clearing his throat and straightening his figure "be careful okay? We kinda really need you with us". With a nod of his head, he turned on his heel - speed walking away and muttering something under his breath, along the lines of "why'd I say something like that?" and "stupid, stupid".

I gave a light chuckle at his actions, dusting off my clothes as other's took their turns asking about my well being. Kind and reassuring words were shared, gentle care was being given - filling my chest with a warmth, I felt-- loved.

With a smile, I thanked the individuals who checked up on me. Unfortunately, the sweet moment couldn't last, we needed to get moving, staying in one place for too long wasn't safe, especially since the fire was dying out.

Walkers will be here soon enough, and we'd like to be gone and out of sight before that happened. Making extra sure that there were no walkers by tapping on every door of the car before I opened it, with the tip of my baseball bat.

I walked up to an abandoned 4x4, surprisingly clean for being left in the middle of nowhere. Peeking through the closed window, I tapped the bat against the door rather hard - hard enough to easily be heard but not hard enough to damage the door. Satisfied when there was no reply, I pulled on the door handle, unlocked.

Whoever left this car, left it in a hurry. Pulling the door open, I stepped onto the step at the side of the car. The keys were still in the ignition and luckily enough, there was still a full tank. Various suitcases were strapped to the top of the vehicle, no doubt whoever owned the car was going for a road trip, which explains the full tank.

After rummaging through the glove compartments and the pockets behind the seats, finding only cigarettes, maps and other items of the sort. I sat in the driver's side, the door was still open so the other's wouldn't think I was planning to drive away if the car actually worked.

Gripping the plastic of the casing around the end of the key in the ignition, I took a deep breath. Turning it quickly, I could hear it trying to spark and start working. Clenching my jaw, I stopped, before trying again "come on, come on" I whispered as I continued turning the key. 

The churning sound stopped and the car rumbled as the engined revved when I stepped down on the pedals. I grinned, and jumped out of the car "guys! This one's running!" I yelled, thrusting my thumb over my shoulder and pointing to the car.

The other's rushed over to examine the car, patting me on the shoulder and congratulating me on my find. Stopping the car, so the gas wouldn't run out we pulled the suitcases off of the top of the car - checking them for items.

Bagging clothes, sunscreen, maps, lighters, cigs, and other items that could be useful to us. Taking only what was necessary, the things that couldn't be used in a survival situation - a.k.a luxury items - we dumped.

That would be extra weight, extra weight we didn't need.

I froze as I heard the sound of another car starting in the distance "yo! This one's running as good as gold!" came the familiar, deep, aggravating voice. Devlin. I looked over, my jaw dropping slightly, a large range rover.

Much large than my own 4x4, the other's dropped what they were doing and ran over to check the car. Devlin grinned as they congratulated him, looking over to me with a smug smirk. Winking as he pointed to the Range Rover.

I grit my teeth as I glared daggers in his direction, if this was all a game to him. I would be certain to win, you wanna play dirty Devlin? I'll play dirty.

You don't stand a chance against the dead hunter.

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