Chapter 3: A long road ahead

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The heat was swealtering and there was no shade other there in the woods on either side of the road, despite thre danger we could face we stepped into the cool woods. It would be better ti fight off walkers then get a heat stroke and leave ourselves vulnerable.

I removed my backpack and rested it against my leg to give my back some air, letting out a breath of relief i leaned back against a tree. Cry had done the same opposite me "so what made you want too run instead of hide in the sanctuary of your home, friend?" he asked "my mum, she called me minutes before this all started, the phone cut off i know she's in danger, she's out there along with my father and she could be dead. I need to find them, i need to know if my parents are safe" i said.

Digging through my bag i revealed two bottles of water, i chucked one to Cry to thanked me and downed some graciously. I pulled my phone from my pocket and miraculously it still had battery left and service, the first person i tried too mum of course.

I lifted my phone to my ear and listened to the dial tone "hi!" my mum's voice came through perkily, i jumped up "mu-" "you've reached (M/N), i'm sorry i'm not at the phone right now, if you have anything you need to tell me call my husband or better yet my daughter (Y/N) at (phone number), or just leave a message after the tone" her voice stopped and it went too voice mail. I sighed and hunched over in disappointment "hey mum, it's me again, call me if you get this, i'm really worried" i ended the call.

Next was my father, the same thing happened, and now i decided to call authorities "hello? This is CIA headquarters how may i be of service" a woman answered, she seemed calm surprisingly enough "what the hell is going on?" i asked roughly "ma'am please calm down, i assume you're talking about the infected" i put the call on speaker knowing Cry would want to hear this.

He shuffled closer to listen better "the CIA are currently working on fixing the outbreak until then please remain indoors with food and water. Make sure your doors and windows and locked and you have a weapon to defend yourself if necessary" i sighed "this is exactly what i heard from the news, tell me something i don't know" the woman on the other end as clearly getting impatient.

"Alright look, i'm not supposed to tell you this but i'm terrified and the sooner i get home to my kids the better, so. The CIA are freaking out, they have no idea what's going on or how to fix this! All we knoow is destory the brain and they die for good. Those things are people, dead people real life zombies and if we die, we become them! This is literally the apocalypse no excuse me i have to deliver coffee to the people who aren't doing sh*t to help the situation" she slammed down the phone and the call ended.

I ran a hand through my hair "can i use that?" he asked gesturing towards the mobile, i nodded and handed it to him. He began to dial and then held the phone up to his ear "mum? Thanks God you're okay how's everyone?" his energy fell as his mother began to talk on "okay, i'll find you, i love you mum, bye" he hung up and held the phone tightly in his hand "what's wrong?" i asked "my little brother's dead" he whispered.

I bit my lip not really sure what too say "i'm so sorry Cry" i whispered, he turned away from me and lifted his mask up and onto his head to wipe his eyes "he was so young" he murmered. He loowered his mask back down to his face and turned to face me "sorry friend, you should get some sleep i'll keep watch" i was about to argue but i knew he wanted to use the time that i slept too cry freely.

I nodded and laid back using my backpack as a pillow and finally began to get the rest i deserved.


I was awoken by a soft sobbing, cracking my eyes open i frowned as i listened to Cry cry (lol try and make sense of that). Though i wanted to console him i also knew that he wanted to be alone now. There was a smal fire going to keep us warm and i noted it was already dark. With anothe regretful frown i closed my eyes and fell asleep once more.

We certainly have a very long road ahead.

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