Chapter 36: Oh Hell no

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*(Y/N)'S P.O.V*

The same blindfold was thrown over my eyes, tied roughly behind my head and I was lead through the winding hallways to the front door.

The directions were rather straight forward, the only problem was that it was quite far away and distance means I'm going to need protection, so they'd better give me a weapon. After a drawn out journey throughout the building, I heard the loud bang of the door being kicked open.

My brows furrowed, the door got jammed? I made sure to remember that small slice of information, I felt the cool breeze hit my skin, a shudder rolling down my spine. I could feel the cold plastic of a gun being shoved in my own, the blindfold was ripped off and I was pushed outside, the door closing in a slam quicker than I could open my eyes.

I let out a light gasp as I stumbled forward, turning around quickly to look up at the building. The building was clearly old, any holes were boarded up heavily, the door was metal, appearing weak but enforced with wooden planks.

Burning the appearance of the building into my memory, I gave a light nod and gripped the gun properly, beginning on my journey. I kept my guard up for anything approaching, making sure to memorize the way to my destination so I could remember my way back.

It had been 15 minutes of walking, the streets had been suspiciously empty, a few walkers here and there but they were easily avoided.

"Okay so a right" I mumbled to myself, glancing left and right for any walkers before I headed down the turning. I stopped dead in my tracks, brows furrowing. There was a faint noise of groaning, a hissing sound that could only be identified as walkers.

But by the sound of the overlapping noises, there was definitely quite a few of them. There was only one other right from here. Keeping myself close to the houses lining the street, I rolled my feet, stepping silently.

Peaking round the corner my eyes widened and my jaw dropped, walkers, more than I had ever seen in one place. They crowded around a house, climbing over each other, hissing and groaning as they desperately try to reach something that I couldn't see.

Now I could see why they asked me to go rather than risking one of their own, why they said I could see Cry. They were giving me a chance to say goodbye, "oh hell no" I mumbled to myself.

Apparently, what was lost in this hoard of walkers, was a key, a key to the storage room of the local supermarket. In this storage room, would be years worth of supplies. And, apparently, the person in charge of the supermarket lived here, which explains why the key is here.

As to why the walkers are crowding around? I have no clue.

If I didn't turn up with the key, then I don't even want to imagine what they would do to my friends.

Stuffing the fun into the back of my jeans I looked around for a solution, there's no way I have enough rounds in my gun to take out all of them, it would just draw attention to myself. My best bet would be to create a distraction.

Glanced down at my feet, there were a few large rocks around, most likely from the partly destroyed house beside me. Picking up a large rock, I weighed it in my hand and glanced around.

There were a few abandoned cars lining the road, glancing to the side at the distracted walkers, I took a deep breath. Drawing my hand back over my head, I threw my arm forward, launching the rock through the air.

The large rock crashed through the window of one of the abandoned cars with a loud shattering sound. The hissing sounds that the walkers made increased and there was a hurried scuffling as the dead rushed towards the sound, looking for fresh meat to chew on.

I pressed myself against the fence of the house I was hiding behind, watching as the group  of walkers passed. I peaked back around the corner and let out a curse inside my head. There were still a few walkers wandering around the opening and once that larger group realizes there's nothing  there, they'd surely return.

I had to be in and out fast and avoid the remaining walkers wandering around, and that was not going to be easy. 

I pulled the gun out of my pants and gripped my gun firmly, my fingers repositioning every  now and then out of nervousness. I took a deep breath, might as well just get it over and done with.

I ducked down into a crouch moving as quickly as I could, I kept my eyes open for a glint of metal, it should be on the ground if they had dropped it. I wanted to avoid shooting anything if I could, this was a situation where I definitely would not want to draw attention to myself.

As I glanced around cautiously a reflection glinted in the corner of my eye, I hurriedly turned to look at it and surely enough, looking passed the open door I could see, dead centre in the hall way, the key I was look for.

And from what I could see, the green tape surrounding the flat end of the key meant it really was what I was looking for.

And as I stepped towards the door, a beat up shoe blocked the path, the damaged toe of the shoe kicked the key aside.

"Dammit" I cursed under my breath, there was a loud hiss, the walker that kicked the key aside turned to face me.

"Oh Shi--"

The walker charged, racing towards me. I held up the gun, staring down the length of the barrel.

Boy, did I regret agreeing to this.

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