Chapter 2: One on One

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I trailed silently behind Cry, my shoulders were slumped and my feet dragged on the ground, there was a blank expression on my face. Of course i was ecstatic about meeting one of my favourite youtubers, but i left my whole world behind. Cry occasionally glanced back at me but said nothing, only sighed.

When he came to a stop i didn't see and ended up bumping into his back, apologizing i stepped away "what is it?" i asked. Cry put a finger over his mask where his mouth would be and getsured me too duck down and he did the same. We hid a bit of brush and it was then that i heard people coming this way "- i'm telling you we shouldn't go that way!" it was a man who yelled "yeah well i say we do" another man replied.

There were two of them, and they were big not to mention too gun's hanging on their hips, as they passed i shuffled so if we needed to run i'd be able to do it quicker. The men stopped "did you hear that?" one asked "yeah...think it's a roamer?" the other one replied "nah, it would've attacked by now..." their voices became more hushed "come out! We won't hurt you!" they cackled.

Cry reached behind him and under his backpack pulling out a gun, my breath hitched in my throat at the sight of the deadly weapon. He held it up but away from him as you should when holding a gun, don't want to accidentally shoot yourself. Gesturing me to stay he krept out behind the bush when the men were turned the other way "who are you?" he asked harshly.

The two men turned to him, hands hovering over their guns "hey now, we don't want no trouble" they said inching forward. I saw who appeared to be the leader grab his gun but before he could pull it out i jumped up "look out!" i yelled.

Dashing at the man i tackled him, using his surprise as an advantage to get him off his feet, his partner stumbled back but before he could attack me Cry aimed his gun at the man. Forcing him to back off, with my knife in hand i pressed it to the man's throat "i don't want to hurt anyone, so if you move on and forget this encounter happened then maye it couold benefit the both of us" i reasoned.

The man below me smirked "not a chance sunshine" he pushed off the grund forcing me backwards, straddling my waist he held his hands too my throat and began to tighten his grip. I struggled kicking my legs and scratching the man's arms. Cry was panicking, he needed to keep the other one away oor it meant moore trouble, but he needed to stop me from dying.

Reaching up i pressed my thumbs into the man's eye sockets and forced his head backwards, as he didn't want me to pop his eyes out he backed up and just as i pushed him off me there was a gunshot. I held my slightly bruised throat and sucked in air greedily. I looked too the body of the man who tried to murder me he lay on the floor his mouth and eyes wide open a hole in his temple and a pool of blood forming beneath him "BROTHER!" the other man yelled.

He pulled his own gun out and glared at us through angry tears "y-you killed him!" he yelled, he gripped the gun so tightly his hands shook "don't worry brother i'm coming" i pressed the barrel of the gun inder his chin "Wai-" the gun went off.

The man fell backwards a spurt of blood flying out behind him before he collapsed the ground, without any time to contrl it i leaned forward and released my breakfast. Coughing out the remaining bitter bile i wiped my mouth with the back of my arm, Cry stared at his hands the gun resting limply in one of them "i-...i" he sputtered.

I stood shakily and walked towards him "we need to get out of here Cry, those things mustve heard the gunshots, they'll be here any minute now" he gulped at nodded. With one last sorrowful look towards the brothers, we continued on our way.

The first kill is always the hardest they say, i looked up at the back of Cry's head. His hands were balled into fists at his side and his breating was heavy, i couldn't imagine what he was going through right now. To have pulled the trigger on that man, he ended the guy's life and the damage that must be doing to his mind at this moment must be extraordinaryily painful.

What a horrible day to survive.

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