Chapter 7: Up and out

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

A warm kind of light, it was unexplainable like a mother's hug almost. I cracked my eyes open, the dead fireplace stared back at me, I must have fallen asleep on the sofa.

I sat up the blanket falling off of me, wait...blanket? It had been knitted probably by the previous owners, I looked around the room too see Cry on the arm chair next to the couch mouth agape and snores leaving him. His mask was slightly askew leaving me with the urge to take it off him but I wouldn't it's his face, if he doesn't want to show it to me then that's fine.

I chuckled before sitting up and draping the blanket over him instead, before moving to pack our things. It wasn't decided but we should move n from this place, with the world as it is staying in one place for long periods of time was dangerous. Even for two people with guns.

I came back downstairs after packing away Cry's things, his snoring had stopped and he was sitting up. His back was turned to me and he had his mask lifted onto the top of his head. His arms moved and I could only guess he was rubbing his eyes.

I cleared by throat, Cry yelped and jumped moving to put his mask down before turning around to me "you scared me!". I laughed chucking him his backpack "I figured" Cry pouted "where we going?" he asked, slinging the backpack over his shoulder.

I put my own backpack on "I don't know, but we can't stop for long we have to keep moving, each day we spend in one place the further our families get" I said lifting my hair up and putting it in a messy pony tail.

Cry clearly didn't want to leave the safety of this house but knew the risks of staying here and so we moved out. I had the shotgun while Cry held the pistol, he had yet to teach me how to use it. Sure I've used one a few video games.

Since I now knew how to shoot a shotgun it was the safest weapon, aside from the bat still strapped to my backpack. I wasn't an expert in shooting of course but it doesn't mean I don't get to brag about the fact I know how to shoot a gun that weighs pretty much the same amount as a baby, possibly more.

We walked along a road down both sides of the road were grass fields, the grass was short so we would be able to see if a walker was crawling along. There was a groan and I stopped in my tracks, Cry stopped also and he had heard it too.

But there was no walker in sight apart from one in the distance but we wouldn't of heard it from here, not left, not right, not in front of us, not behind us, not under out Hesitantly I looked upwards, there handing on a light pole by it's small intestine was a walker. If was reaching for us.

Before I could say anything to Cry, the walker jerked causing it's intestine to snap and it fell. I let out a shriek and the walker landed on top of me, the force causing me too fall to the floor and the shotgun to fall away from me.

The walker reached for my face, using my hands I pushed on it's neck making sure not to let it scratch of bite me. I could feel it's weak skin begin to peel under my finger tips.

"(Y/N)!" Cry yelled he held the pistol up to shoot the walker but with me lying so close to it, shooting would be far too risky. Just as Cry was about to pull the walker off of me he let out an "ooph!" the walker that had been in the distance had pounced on him and now he was in a wrestle of his own.

I groaned out of breath but I wouldn't give up "get. OFF!" I yelled, with a burst of adrenaline I pushed the Walker off me. Ripping the baseball bat from my backpack I lifted it over my head, the legless Walker unable to stand.

Using my body weight I swung the bat down onto the walkers weak skull, it gave under the weight of the bat. I swung again until the top of it's cranium had merged with the floor, blackish blood staining the road.

Cry groaned struggling to fight off the full bodied walker. I ran over to the shotgun and aimed at the walker "Cry, duck!" I yelled. The masked man did as told and in that instant I shot.

The walker fell to the floor with a 'floomp' dead for the second time. Cry and I panted, he leaned down resting his hands on his knees to take a breath. I dropped the shotgun and fell to the floor. Leaning my head back to face the sky I calmed my breathing and fast beating heart.

Wiping the sweat off my forehead I stood once more and strapped the baseball bat to my backpack once again. Taking hold of the shotgun I nudged the worn out Cry with my elbow "come on-" I panted again "let's get out of here" he took a deep breath before nodding.

Well, here we go. Up and Out.

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