Chapter 32: Well Damn...

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(Just to let you guys know, I've made the decision to take some character out, character that you won't be interacting with very often. Such as: Smosh, Netty, Toby and Ken. I realize some of you might be unhappy with this decision, but I never really had a huge plan for them to begin with. So this really won't change the story what so ever, it'll be much easier for me to write without so many characters, so I hope you understand)

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We walked through the forest until we came upon the main road, walking out in the open like this was dangerous. Not only because walkers would be able to spot us, but survivors would to, and as much as we wished we could trust me, the fact of the matter is that we can't risk our lives to lend out a helping hand to any random person.

A world like this makes people desperate, and desperate people will do crazy things. For our own safety we would have to be incredibly wary around survivors; Devlin was a perfect example.

Autumn was upon us, the air chilly, so walking directly under the sun like this wasn't too uncomfortable. I zipped up my jacket, stuffing my hands in my pocket, Cole, with his military training was leading us, and even though we had been walking for hours, he was only barely showing signs of being tired.

Dan and Phil leaned against each other, panting dramatically as they walked along. Felix and Jack were chatting excitedly, Mark piping in every now and then, Krism and Minx walked hand in hand. Nova laughed out loudly, Ohm chuckling alongside with him at something they had been talking about.

Cry was chatting idly to Cole at the front of the group, the corners of my lips tugged up. All of these people, all of these friends, it was almost like a family.

"This is nice" I mumbled to myself, to find some peace with the way things were, it was almost like a breath of fresh air. As I took another step forward, an unwelcomed hand slapped over my mouth, the other wrapping tightly around my waist.

My eyes widened and I let out a muffled scream behind the hand, my hands flying up in an attempt to rip it off. Legs thrashing as I was yanked back against someone's chest, the group ahead of my tensed at the sound of my scream, turning around hurriedly "(Y/N)!".

"Get her in the van!" came an unfamiliar voice.

I was dragged backwards, roughly, and as my friends ran towards me, people rushed out from behind me, machete's and baseball bats in their hands to use as weapons.

Cry sprinted forwards, hand outstretched for me, only to be stopped when a man stepped in away, colliding with Cry and stopping him in his tracks.

I reached out desperately, kicking off the ground to try and throw off my captor's balance. He stumbled slightly but in no time, the light from outside was cut off as I was thrown into a van, the door slamming shut behind me.

"Don't worry, your little friend's are coming with us, you'll see them soon".

I opened my mouth to scream when a sharp pain hit the back of my head, my vision blurred as I felt a warm liquid tickle the back of my neck and in no time, I slumped forwards, unconscious.


(Short chapter but I just want to set things up for the next chapter, I have some things planned >;0 )

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