Chapter 12: Pushed

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The hand gripping onto my ankle was tight, my boots stopping most of the pressure. Cry and Cole had immediately shot around at the sound of my scream, I was frozen, I felt something pull on my ankle. It was a walker, pulling itself closer using my foot.

"(Y/N)!" Cry ran forward picking up a random walker arm on the floor, and using the jagged bone sticking out of the shoulder where the arm was ripped off. Cry plunged the sharp bone into the walkers head, it fell dead an arm sticking out of it's skull.

If I wasn't scared half to death I would've laughed, Cole moved to unpeel the walker's hands from my ankle. I pulled myself away from the dead person and ran a hand through my hair, a hand on my hip breathing deeply.

I did my best to calm my fast beating heart, I felt tears gather in my eyes. Walking over too the walker I kicked it. And kicked it. And kicked it. I felt arms encircle my waist pulling me away from the walker. I yelled pushing the arms away from me "shh, shh" it was Cry.

I stopped struggling lowering my head and closed my eyes, I bit my lip. The tears grew in my eyes before spilling over I let out loud sobs. Cry released me moving around to the front.

I put my hand over my face, Cry put his arms around me. My head fell onto his chest, Cole rubbed my back soothingly "I- I was so scared" I whimpered. "It's okay" the masked man reassured.

I held my breath, hiccupping. Holding my breath stopped the sobs, I let out a deep sigh wiping the tears from my face. I pulled away with a reassuring smile "I'm good, guys. I was just...startled" I informed.

They seemed hesitant to let this slide but they nodded "well we should probably move, walkers were bound to have heard you scream" Cole said. We nodded.

Most people would've said I overreacting, but when a serving of possible death is handed in front of you it's easy to crack under the pressure. I sighed and we continued walking.

This wasn't easy, it wasn't easy at all. Staying strong was going to be especially hard in a world that's falling apart.


This chapter is ridiculously short, but I'm kind of stumped on ideas at the moment, but I wanted to write something seeming as I haven't update in 9 days.

You finally cracked under the pressure! Don't worry it isn't a sign of weakness! It's the first step to becoming even stronger!

I'll update as soon as i can, see ya love's, ciao <3

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