Chapter 18: Be Okay

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I stared up at the sky through the breaking of the trees, luckily it was still light out, we had a few hours until sunset so there was no need to turn back yet. The was a surprisingly low number of walkers out here in this part of the woods.

So everyone in my group was enjoying their little walk, to breathe in the fresh air. Feel the wind on your face, to relax even in the slightest was a pleasurable feeling. Of course we still couldn't let our guards down not just yet. Not until this virus was terminated and I knew for sure walkers didn't roam the Earth in search of their next meal.

I chuckled as I listened to Phil crack rather weak jokes and Dan cringe muttering about "existential crisis" or something along those lines. I stopped dead as I heard an unusual noise hit my ears, it sounded somewhat like the noise machines make when they're charging up.

"Everyone stop!" I whisper yelled, the did as told coming to a halt and glancing around nervously "what is i-" "shhh" I cut Cole off pressing a finger to my lips as I looked around. I looked to my right and saw a bright blue glow, it was growing.

With a high pitched noise the glow was released and coming straight for us "sh*t! Duck!" I yelled loudly. We squatted down the large blue orb of light going over our heads and lodging itself in a tree, I looked over at the tree.

Smoke began to come off of it as the blue light faded "was that-...was that a laser gun?" Krism whimpered. I glared over at the direction to see a faint silhouette of a man, in his hands a large gleaming gun looking weapon. Though it didn't look like any firearm I had ever seen.

"Cole" I said, the male simply nodded and stood up alongside me and we marched towards the person. As we got closer we could see it was a male, late twenties to early fourties. He was a dirtied dress shirt and jeans, sunglasses covering his face. Not to mention a smirk.

I held up my shotgun aiming directly at his face "what in God's name was that?" I asked him, his smirk widened "a warning honey" he replied. I clenched my jaw and tightened my grip on the gun "well you're warning nearly killed my group!" I retorted. He pursed his lips and shrugged nonchalantly "not my problem".

I opened my mouth and took a step forward to give this douche a piece of my mind when Cole placed his hand on my shoulder. I glanced up at him and he shook his head "it's not worth it" he whispered.

I huffed as I calmed the adrenaline pumping through my veins "who are you?" I asked "who are you?" he replied.

"I asked you first"

"I asked you second"

I growled and began to lower my shotgun "why did you shoot whatever the hell that thing is at us anyways?" Cole questioned. "This? This is a gun. Shoots high concentrated balls of electricity, it'll fry whatever it touches" the man bragged with a nod and a cocky grin.

"And you're stepping passed your boundaries, this part of the woods is my domain" he finished his smirk never faded. I scoffed "so I was right thinking you're a beast then?", he rolled his eyes "easy there tiger, from this point up until the lakes is where my camp is and no one is allowed it, zombies or humans".

I chuckled and shook my head "wow, you're as stupid as you are arrogant", he furrowed his brows in confusion "you dolt, you just told us where your camp is. If we wanted to raid it while you were away or sleeping we could do just that" I informed.

He tilted his head back with a curse "my group needs resources, you just told us that there was a lake, a lake means water so if you'll excuse us" I gave him a tight lipped smile before turning on my heel "come on Cole".

Cole was smiling in pride, mainly because tough guy there just got schooled. "Devlin!" the male yelled, I rose a brow and turned my head "Devlin Crook, call me sometime?" he continued. He tilted his head forward slightly so his sunglasses rode down his nose to give me clear view of his deep green eyes.

He sent me a wink, I bit the inside of my cheek "there's no service, idiot" I nodded to Cole and we continued back to the group "so I'll be expecting a call soon then?!" he yelled to me. I rolled my eyes as I continued walking suppressing the smile riding up on my face.

I made my way back to the group, who were now standing and whispering in confusion. "Nothing to worry about guys, just a jerk with a big toy. There's a lake just ahead, with luck it will be fresh water". They seemed wary but nodded, I decided it would be best if I lead the way for now.

And much like Devlin had said there was a lake. A big one. The water was shallow, small pebbles could be seen at the bottom. Pine tree surrounded the lake and orange leaves spotted the floor. I noticed something disturbing the water and grinned "you see that?" I spoke to the others pointing my finger.

"The fish?" Phil asked, I nodded "that's a Lake Trout, a freshwater fish. This water is drinkable" I informed. The group sighed and let out a relieved chuckles "how do you know that?" Cole questioned, tilting his head to the side. I shrugged "I watch a lot of Bear Grylls".

With great luck we had found not only fish to eat but water to drink, unluckily we had found Devlin, a possibly dangerous man. And the sun was beginning to set, whether or not we'd get back for nightfall -- well we'll just have to wait and see.


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