Chapter 43: Jackpot

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At the sound of disbelief in Felix's voice, we rushed to the kitchen where he had wandered. Worried, I rushed inside, looking around for something that might have caused the Swedish any harm.

Apart from the four of us, the room was empty of any life, or rather-- undead life. I sighed and dropped my tense shoulders. Stepping further inside to join the blond at his side "what is i--".

Maybe empty wasn't quite the words to use.

All the cupboards in the room had been opened, including the fridge and inside, supplies. The fridge was filled top to bottom with bottles of water, cupboards loaded with cans and snacks.

From bags of crisps to cans of chili, my hand came up to cover my mouth. I let out a deep breath of awe "Roy and the other's must've used these houses to stock up" I mumbled under my breath.

Reaching in to take a bottle of water from the fridge, shielded form the sun inside the fridge, it was slightly below room temperature. Twisting it open, I lifted it up to nose to take a sniff, with no suspicious scents coming off of it, I took a hesitant sip.

Drawing the bottle away from my mouth "this really is water, actual bottled water" I mumbled, turning around to face the male's "guys-- we really did hit the jackpot" I whispered.

A smile of disbelief slipped onto my face as I hurried to close the bottle and rushed to the door, only to see other's emerging from their respective houses, their arms full of cans, packets, and bottles themselves.

"All of them?" Cry mumbled in surprise as he came up behind me, I bit my lip "I can't believe it" I mumbled quietly "we've actually gotten a stroke of luck".

Handing the bottle to Cry, I turned around and stepped back into the house, immediately making my way for the stairs and rushing up them.

Making sure to stay on guard, I pushed the door to what I assumed was the bedroom open. The room was clear from the looks of it, but to be on the safe side I stomped my foot on the ground.

Making sure there wasn't a walker under the bed, stepping forward, I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up, peeking under it.


Bouncing slightly on my heels, I jumped forward, diving onto the bed. I let out a deep sigh of satisfaction as the soft material of the mattress enveloped my frame.

I could hear the quiet sounds of familiar laughter and footsteps behind me, hugging a pillow to my chest, I turned to the door.

"Guys, oh my god, it's a bed" I mumbled, burying my face in the pillow, peeking over at them and using a free hand to pat the mattress so they could get a feel of their own.

Felix jumped up, arms above his hand, flying towards me. I let out a shriek and quickly rolled to the side as he flopped down on the bed, right where I had been laying.

The mattress jumped slightly, nearly causing me to  fall off the bed. I stiffled a loud laugh into the mattress as Cole came over, sitting himself down on the edge of the bed and spreading his arms out as he laid down much more gently.

I shifted myself over to the middle of the bed as Cry came over to the side. Falling to the side and slumping onto the bed with a loud sigh of relief.

Placing the pillow behind my head I let out a deep sigh of relief "it seems too good to be true" I mumbled as I stared up at the ceiling above us.

Cry gave an agreeing hum from beside me, "we should stay for a while, there are plenty of houses here for us to room in, and quite a few bedrooms in each" Cole mumbled from the edge of the bed.

Cole sighed and sat up "I'll go inform the other's that we'll be staying, we'll pick houses and rooms while we're at it. Just relax for now".

"You're an angel" came Felix's muffled mumbled, his face buried in the blankets. The ginger haired male let out an amused snort and made his way to the door, soon disappearing behind the door, down the stairs and out of the house.

It took a matter of seconds before the sounds of soft snoring came from the blond on my right. I let out a light chuckle at the sound, glancing over at him "he's been stressing out so much" Cry mumbled.

"I'm jealous of how good he is at hiding it" I mumbled. Cry rolled onto his side to face me, in turn, I did the same.

"Don't be, it's not the best trait to have" he mumbled "I wish I could help him, that he'd tell me sometimes, he's my best friend" Cry added.

I sent the masked male a sympathetic smile "yeah, you're probably right. But I know that when the other's see me freaking out, they start freaking out too" I said with a sigh.

Our voices had stooped to whispers to not wake the male sleeping behind me. "We really deserve this, all of us, after everything we've been through" Cry mumbled.

Arms coming up to cushion his head "a bed, food, water, shelter. It's like we're finally getting our dues".

I gave an agreeing nod "we really are so lucky for coming across this place" I mumbled, snuggling further into the pillow under my head. My eyes came to a close, and I let out a deep sigh.

"We should both get some sleep" he mumbled, I gave a slow nod, already beating him to the punch.

And as I drifted in and out of sleep, I felt a warm and comforting hand on my head, gently brushing my hair away from my face "sleep well" came a calming whisper.

And just like that, I was out like a light.

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