Chapter 11: Together we're strong

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We we far away...well not that far actually. We were pretty far away from Oblivion by now, a group of 3 isn't as strong as a group of 4 but a group consisting of me, Cry and Cole is unbeatable...maybe?

I had offered Cole the shot gun as he had more experience, he refused saying that it was mine but I insisted. I had my trusty bat! What could go wrong? I probably just jinxed myself but who cares?

We were currently crossing small bridge a small stream ran under it, a car had gone off the side, but the water ran under no problem. The car had taken down the railing so it was possible to fall off the side and into the stream though it wasn't deep, it appeared to be shallow enough to come up to knee length.

Though as long as the water's deep enough to cover your nose and mouth you can drown. As a walker approached I pressed the tip of the bat to it's chest and walking it over to the derailed side pushing it over the edge.

After making sure it would stay down there I continued on, the silence wasn't that awkward in fact it was accepted. "So...any family Cole?" Cry asked "yes, back in England! My parents and my little sister" he smiled nostalgically.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you two a couple?" I stopped dead at the question. Cole looked concerned while Cry looked equally as embarrassed "n-no! We just happened to come across each other at day two" he nodded slowly "and why are you together may I ask?" he asked.

I smiled gently "we're looking for our families" Cole sent a sympathetic look before an understanding nod "and there's strength in numbers" Cry added. With that we kept walking.

There was a rather loud chorus of groaning in the distance, I held up my bat ready for combat. Cry taking his gun out of it's holster and Cole with shotgun at the ready.

There were many dots in the distance, the closer we got the clearer things became. The dots became silhouettes, the silhouettes became people. Those people became walkers. A lot of them "we can't go around them" Cry voiced. It was true, there was a mass of wrecked cars to large and too unstable to climb over, either side of the hoard.

The hoard consisted of around 10 walkers. That may not seem like much, but when they're trying to eat you and you only have a limited amount of bullets and stamina. That 10 seems like 10,000.

"We have too go through it" Cole said "brace yourselves" I finished. Cry landed the first shot, the walker fell down dead. The loud gun shoot alerting the other 9, Cole made the second taking down another.

I ran forward to the closest walker, kicking at it's leg the walker fell to its knees. I lifted the bat high above my head swinging it down onto the walkers weak skull. The zombie fell forward, skull crushed leaking a blackish red blood.

I moved onto the next one, moving my grip to the end of the bat I swung, the walkers head cracked open spewing brain tissue and blood over the other few "nice one! Where'd you learn to do that?" Cry yelled over the hisses of the walkers "I was in every baseball team my schools throughout the years had to offer!" I replied "and it comes in handy" I mumbled to myself.

It wasn't long until one last walker stood "would you like to do the honours?" Cry asked the pistol in his hand. I panted taking the gun with a smirk "It'd be my pleasure" though I didn't know how to use a pistol this one was an easy target.

Holding up the gun, cupping one hand under to steady my hand I aimed at the walkers face. Squeezing the trigger, the walker fell down face first, I grinned "nice shot" Cry complemented as I handed him his pistol once again.

Cole pat me on the shoulder "we should get moving, more probably heard the shots and we can't take on any more in this state" he said. I nodded "yeah, let's get out of here" I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand.

We walked on, as I stepped over the walker I had shot. I felt a hand tightly grip my ankle.

I screamed.

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