Chapter 1: Reality

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

My eyes shot wide open as there was loud banging on my door, a baseball bat hugged to my chest. My eyes narrowed in sadness as i noted the horror was not a dream but in fact reality. I picked up my phone to see i had no new messages, standing up i stuffed my phone into my pocket and grabbed the bat heading towards the door.

As i stared through the peep hole i noted those things were still out there in fact their numbers had increased. Running to the window where i had witness a man eat a woman's intestines i noted the man was still there but the woman was gone, a trail of blood and a few chunks of flesh lining the floor they were leading to my apartment building.

There was no way i'd be able too leave out the front door without running into those things so my only other option was the fire escape. So walking to my bedroom and rummaging through my closet it revealed a backpack, i stuffed a few articles of clothing in there, deodorant etc. Before heading too the kitchen and stuffing in bottles of water and food i could eat on the go.

I even grabbed some knives for defense, obviously those things out there were not friendly. I took a deep breath looking over everything in my apartment my mind drifting to the phone call i had with my mother. She told me not to leave but there was no way i could stay, shuffling towards the couch i flicked n the T.V and turned it to the news.

The anchor lady looked terrified "in urgent news there's reportedly been an outbreak of sorts, signs of infection are similar too decay. If you see one of these people please avoid them at all costs, if they bite you, you will indeed become infected with this virus. Stay inside i repeat stay insi- oh my God...what is that?" she spoke with a skaey voice looking above the camera.

There was a scream in the backgroung and a red liquid splattered onto the lends before it shut off and in it's place was the stand by screen. I turned the T.V off and rested my elbows on my knees before bouncing my legs anxiously. Running a hand through my hair i grabbed my laptop logging onto my social media i saw many posts about this outbreak. All the people saying to stay away from those infected and the only way to rid of the infected is to destroy the brain.

A particular post caught my eye "you're all ridiculous, it's not the bite that infects you, we're all infected, if you die you'll turn into one of those things. The bite just kills you and speeds up the process" it cuts off there.

Now panicking i threw the laptop onto the couch and stood grabbing my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder. Heading towards my room i pushed open the window to the fire escape glances one last time back at my apartment and then stepped out.

Gulping at my distance from the floor i had two options up...or down. The ground below was somehwat clear, a few of those things were roaming around here and there but with a little bit a sneakiness i'd be able to stear clear of them easily. Lifting my bat high in caution i began to descend the metal stairs. Every step there was a quiet clang of my boots hitting the weak metal, luckily they didn't give out under my weight.

As i got to the bottom, as soon as i set a single foot on the pavement i broke off into a sprint. Luckily i wasn't that oud running and barely any of those things, just for fun let's call  them walkers. I am a big walking dead fan (check out my walking dead fanfic called ~Together~) so it's convenient. The one's that did notice i was there were too slow to catch up.

Panting hard and running fast i had no clue where i was going but i didn't care, the only thing i was focused on was getting away from the walkers. My throat was dry and my chest tightened, my legs burned telling me it was time for me to stop and take breath. I came to a stop on a bridge, behind me was the city and in front of me the countryside, since there are a lot less people in the country side that means less walkers and less walkers means safer me.

As i stepped onto the bridge i heard a familiar groaning, a look of horror crossed my features. Turning slowly i noticed a walker, not just any walker a little girl, which reminded me much like the first episode of the walking dead. 

She began approacing as fast as she could which wasn't very fast. I was frozen where i stood, she was now close enough to try and grab me. As she reached out fingers millimetres away from my flesh she was knocked to the side, wide eyed i saw a man tackling the walker before driving a blade through her skull.

Blood spurted from her forehead as he removed his blade and it took quite a lot to not barf then and there. He panted and stood facing me, he wore a white mask. The features resembled that of Baymax or a sup guy...he was wearing a cry mask "what were you thinking? You could've been killed!" the man yelled. His voice was so familiar "C-...Cry?" i whispered.

The man was shocked "h-how did you know? A fan?" he questioned cocking his head to the side "yeah..." Cry sighed and rubbed his temples which barely peeked out of his mask "well we're lucky i was here dudette, come it's not safe here" he said with a sigh before heading back towards the countryside.

I stood my ground tears gathering in my eyes as i finally assessed the situation...i was going to die. In this word, very soon possibly, i was going too die. I could've died not two minutes ago. I balled my hands into fists and began rubbing at my eyes but the tears still fell.

When i did not follow, Cry stopped and turned to me "you oka- oh no, don't cry! It's okay, seriously, we'll get some cookies! Yeah cookies and- and- Sh*t uhm...don't cry, please don't cry" he panicked.

Hiccuping i shook my head "Cry...i'm going to die aren't i? My parents are probably already dead and i'm so scared" i whispered. He awkwardly rubbed my back soothing from the side "come on, let's go home"

I finaly realized...this really is my reality.

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