Chapter 30: You've got to be kidding me

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

All jokes. All laughter. The entire peaceful atmosphere shattered the second an ear piercing scream ran throughout the air. Krism's scream.

She had decided to go and check up on our 'prisoner' on her own against the wishes of the others, but Cole was keeping watch of him so there was not too big of a worry.

Minx was on her feet first, fear for her Fiancée sending a jolt of adrenaline running through her. Without waiting another second, she grabbed her rifle off of the ground and sprinted in the direction of the scream, running so fast that she almost tripped a number of times.

Dan and Phil planted their hands on my shoulders before I could jump up to check myself, shaking their heads solemnly as though to tell me to stay in place. I bit my lip, itching to go and help, but I wasn't stupid. I knew that I wasn't strong enough to fight anything off yet.

I tapped my foot against the ground, leg shaking out of anxiousness. Hearing a rustling coming from the edge of the clearing, I could feel Dan and Phil tense, prepared to fight if necessary.

The three of us let out a large sigh of relief when it was group that emerged from the brush, Minx walked out first with an armed wrapped around a trembling Krism.

I slowly rose to my feet "what happened?" I asked worriedly as Krism took a seat by the extinguished fire.

Cole stepped towards me, his head down and his hands balled in fists, a tremendously guilty expression crossed his face "It was my fault" he mumbled to me, his hands trembling by how tightly he clenched them.

"What is? What happened out there?" I took a hesitant step towards him.

"Devon said he needed to 'use the restroom', I was wary but I was watching him so I untied him to let him do his business. When miss Krism came around, Devon took that as his chanced and he attacked her, and whilst I tried to make sure she was okay, he ran for it".

I felt my breath leave me "Devon's gone?" I whispered, "I- I'm so sorry" he stuttered nervously.

I bit my lip before I sent the male a reassuring smile "don't worry Cole, it's not your fault, we would have only left him behind anyways, so it's good that he's gone. You did well trying to protect Krism".

I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and gave a brief squeeze, Krism looked up to the red head and gave a shaky nod, she didn't blame him either.

"Take a breather okay? Have a nap or something, you've been working hard for so long, you need a rest"

Cole made no attempt to protest, you could see how physically and mentally drained he was. The man was in a very desperate need to get some rest and no one was arguing.

Cole gave a nod of his head before he walked over to one of the sleeping bags and situated himself in it, falling asleep in no time.

I plopped back down in my seat, running a hand through my head with a deep sigh. Feeling a gentle hand on my shoulder, I looked up at the owner of the hand. My eyes came into contact with a familiar monotone mask, the corners of my lips twitched up "hey Cry" I breathed out quietly.

He gave a quiet wave, everyone talking with hushed voices so as not to wake the sleeping soldier. The gamer took a seat beside me, looking in my direction, his head cocked to one side. I gave a quiet, breathless laugh "yeah, I'm fine, thank you Cry" I mumbled.

His hand settled on my knee, giving a comforting squeeze of his fingers. I gave a deep sigh and let my eyes fluttered closed, leaning over slowly, my head coming to rest on his shoulder.

I could feel him tense under my weight, letting the situation sink in before he wrapped a gentle arm around my shoulders.

My eyes remained closed as he rested his cheek atop my head, his fingers tracing gentle shapes into my arm, just to let me know that he was there, paying attention. "As much as I hated him, I wanted to understand why he hated the world so badly" I mumbled quietly.

I could feel his chest vibrate as he gave a quiet hum "I know, but I think you understood him more than the rest of us" he replied quietly. Our voices were stooped to quiet whispers, so close to each other that there was no reason to be loud.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" I landed a light slap to his thigh "are you saying I hate the world?" he let out a laugh that he had to force to be quiet.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I meant you're more understanding than the rest of us, honestly. We're all youtubers, we don't have many social skills" he said with a sigh.

I let a light giggle pass my lips at this "it's because you're all youtuber's that I have no social skills" I retorted "Oh yeah, I forgot that you're a fan, it's kind of hard to picture that, you're so...not fangirl like".

"Well having walkers biting at my behind doesn't really seem like the situation to scream "omg it's Cryaotic!"" I whispered jokingly, the masked male laughed yet again.

"Well I think a lot of us have been a lot less cautious to befriending fans because of you, we love them at all but bad experiences and all that jazz" he sighed deeply. "I just hope that after this is all over you guys will still remember me" I mumbled quietly.

"Are you kidding? You are the one person we could never forget"

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