Chapter 26: Bottom of the Lake

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The continuous drive had been going on for hours, the silence in the car was comfortable. We had all done our best to move past what had happened with the man all those miles back. I followed behind the care in front absent mindedly - every so often, I glanced down at the gas meter.

For how long we had been moving, the gas had gone down considerably. We wouldn't last until the next town, we stopped during the day and travelled at night. Travelling at night with the cars is much safer then one our own feet.

Choosing to only walk around during day time was the safest option for now. We would gather supplies and loot the bodies and cars that we found. None of which had any gas, it was clear that other looters had already been through here. Stripping everything of anything worth taking.

The maps in the glove compartments helped guide us through the roads, and just our luck, to the right of the road we were on was a river which ran through to a lake. Apparently it had been a camping site so luckily, there was a trail wide enough for cars through the forest to get to the lake and river.

Following the other car in, we switched on our headlights, the trees blocked what little sunlight there was left as we travelled the bumpy trail towards the water. We stopped the cars on the water edge.

As the other's undid their seat belts and prepared to leave the car, I saw the other's empty out of the other vehicle. The car springing to life, roaring as the accelerator was stepped down on. The other's began yelling as the car reversed, stopped once it was directly behind me and with a quick shift of gear, raced towards the back of the car.

"Oh Shi-" before I could finished the sentence there was a hard collision, sending our car jolting forward and speeding into the lake. The car only came to a stop in the middle of the lake, a bubbling sound surrounded us as the tires - unable to reach the floor- caused the car to sink down into the lake.

My breath quickened as the car quickly disappeared into the depths, we could barely see out the windows of the slightly murky water. Liquid began filling the car, I could feel it rising up my feet, the other's out of the danger of their seatbelts tried to push the doors open.

Water quickly rose, filling the car, and soon my the lock of my seatbelt was covered, instantly jamming it. I pulled and tugged desperately at the strap "come on, come on". Panic it set in once the water reached my chest, and I could barely see my hands desperately trying to break the strap.

Cry hurried pulled out his gun, as did the other's, shooting the windows, 2 shots at each window and they burst, water toppling in, filling the car even more at an alarming rate. The guys in the back hurriedly swam out of the windows and towards the surface. And just as Cry slipped out the window, water covered me.

Rising out of my seat as much as the seatbelt allowed, I tilted my head back, sucking in the last bubble of air on the roof of the car before it was filled completely.
Our backpacks in the boot, I had no knife to save me.

Giving a muffle groan, I tugged on the locked strap, my lungs burning. My eyesight was beginning to dot with black as I struggled to hold my breath any longer. A burning pressure was building in my head, giving the impression that I was about to explode.

My tugging grew weaker until I could no longer bear the twitching ache in my chest, the air leaked from my lips in bubbles, floating to the top of the car, my arms drifted away from the seatbelt, and with a sharp breath in, water filled my lungs and I was out like a light.

*Cry's P.O.V*

As I broke the surface, the burning ache in my chest was eased by a quick gasp of air, I panted, waving my arms and kicking my legs in the water to keep afloat, the others and made their way to the water's edge, and I could see Mark restraining Jack who was yelling in rapid English at Devlin.

As I neared the edge, I could tell something was missing, or rather someone. I looked around frantically "Where's (Y/N)?" I whispered, catching the attention of a few close to me "(Y/N)?" I called louder, soon the frantic yelling of Jack quietened and they turned to me "she's still in the car" I breathed out in realization. Whipping around, I wasted no time and dived back into the water despite the worried cries of the other's.

My cheeks puffed out with a held breath, I could see the car sitting at the bottom of the lake, and (Y/N) nowhere in sight. Approaching, I grabbed the roof of the car and swung myself down through my broken window, surely there she was. Strapped in, her eyes closed, hair floating around her head, completely unconscious.

I ignored the dreaded pang in my chest, the voice in the back of my head screaming that I was too late. Pulling my knife out of my boot, which I kept in case of emergencies, I grabbed the strap of the seatbelt, quickly cutting through the material.

She floated out of her seat, before she could reach the ceiling of the car, I grasped her arms and pulled her towards me, wrapping an arm around her middle securely. With a hard kick of my legs, we were racing towards the surface.

My lungs began to burn before we broke through the surface, sucking in air greedily, I pulled her out of the water and carefully paddled my way towards the water's edge.

The other's climbed in to waist deep water, Ohm hurriedly scooped the female up with the help of a few other's and race towards dry land, whilst Pewds and Mark helped me out of the water. Thanking them quickly, I pulled out of their grasp and knelt down by her side.

"She's not breathing" Nova muttered, stumbling back, "Dammit (Y/N) breathe" I whispered, placing one hand over another I pressed them to her chest and started pumping down "breathe, come on, come on"

"Wake up"

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