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Running to the bathroom I went straight to the shower and turned it on to burning hot water. Running back to the room I opened my suit case and pulled out a pair of undergarments, matching grey sweats and hoodie, blue socks and my toiletries.

I walked to the bathroom and put my toiletry bag on the since top and pulled my face wash, toner, wipes and face lotion out then pulling my tooth brush out after I got some toothpaste that was on the sink i started brushing my teeth. After I finished I got my body wash, washcloth and shower cap out.

I wash my face and then dry it, put my shower cap on and turn to close the bathroom door and proceed to take my clothes off and grab my body wash and washcloth and open the shower door. Stepping inside the hot water pierces my skin and turns it red. I stand under the water for a while before starting the process of washing my body.

I stay under the water a little while longer after scribing my skin like hell. After I felt like I'd been in there for long I got out and dried my body and started lotioning up. I walked to the mirror where my facial care products were and started the process. Once done i packed everything into the cupboards under the sink. And I quickly dressed up and unlocked the bathroom door and what a shock I got when I walked out.

"I could've unlocked the bathroom door you know but I wanted to give you your privacy" Siyabonga said sitting on top of my bed. I was speechless "what the hell Siya! Why are you..why did you *sigh* this is too much, I just *sigh* I don't know" I say walking to the closet. I pulled the doors open and placed my empty toiletry bag in. Turning around I walked to my suitcase and Siya was seated comfortably on 'my bed'.

I pulled it and put it on top of the bed and unzipped it. Pulling everything out and onto the bed I began sorting the clothes into whites, colours, dresses, pants and pajamas. It wasn't much just 2 weeks worth of clothes because I'd planned on staying for a few days. I am going back to the States though, no way I'm leaving things the way they are. After about 30 minutes of silence and me packing my clothes Siyabonga spoke

"Listen uhm I know things were rushed and irrationally thought of but maybe we can try and make this work"

"Make what work? This sham of a 'marriage' that I didn't even consent on. Make that work? Oh and are we going to ignore the fact that wena ubetha abafazi gqiba apho mna (you hit women and) I'm supposed to be okay with that huh?" I say getting angry

"You were not supposed to see that Cee-cee" he says worriedly

"Intoni! Uthetha amasimba ngoku, uthi nyew (What! Your talking shit now, your saying nyew (you)) werent supposed to see that so what I too was supposed to go through that rhaa!" I shout getting been more mad.

"First of fucking all don't yell at me woman ungiphathisa ikhanda (your giving me a head ache) and as I said, you were not to see that because you don't understand at all what is going on...get dressed and come have breakfast" he says calmly and walks out the door leaving me shocked

The fyck just happened ? He is bipolar I'm sure!

I get dressed still thinking about the event that happened in my room. Once I finished getting dressed into the sweats, hoodie and socks I pulled my slides out of my suitcase and wore them. I took my lip balm, phone and room key with me downstairs. When I got there I was shocked, so shocked that the things I was holding fell out my hands...

There, on the kitchen stools sat Sabelo, Siyabonga and Ashely who still had bandages on her body but she was laughing as if she wasn't assaulted earlier in the morning. "Oh finally your done baby I was starting to miss you" Siya says walking towards me. I get out of my shocked state and walk backwards but I reach the stairs an nearly fall on them but Siyabonga catches me and holds me in his arms.

"Oooooo grown up things they be doin" I hear someone say, I'm not really focused on them because I'm trying to not faint. "You okay ?" Siyabonga asks me. All I can do is stare at his honey brown eyes and nod "You know I want you to say it" he whispers

"Ye...yea...uhm..ewe ndiryt (yes I'm fine)" I stutter. He pulls me up and holds the small back of my back and gently pushes me forward towards the laughing duo. "Uhm...what the fuck is go ing on?" I ask immediately after sitting down

"See, thing is...uh...we..erh...I uh..." Sabelo stutters when he sees my glare on him. "You eh uh erh you uh what ?" I say sarcastically, I turn to focus on Siyabonga and he diverts his eyes from mine. "Oh so nizongiziba mmhmmm (your going to ignore me) let's see how long you will last." I say and stand from the stool and walk around the counter top.

I open cupboard after cupboard looking for a bowl and pancake ingredients. While banging the cupboard doors someone clears their throat. I ignore them and continue banging the cupboard doors until the same person who cleared their throat comes behind me and holds my waist. Out of reflex I raise my hand to give them a backhand slap but they hold my hand.

"What are you looking for baby?" Siyabonga whispers in my ear causing shivers down my back. I ignore him still and he speaks again "I've already made you breakfast, just the way you like it" he said while rubbing small circles on my waist then he kissed my neck and a whimper left my lips...he made me feel weak and he knew it!

He let me go and I had to balance myself with the counter top to not fall. "There's still some coffee in the coffee machine and there's coco powder in the second top cupboard" he said walking up the stairs. After a minute or two I turned around and all my stuff was on the counter, Ashely and Sabelo were gone.

I turned back around and walked towards the microwave and pulled the door open which revealed a plate covered by another plate. I pulled them out and took the top plate off to reveal pancakes, 3 precisely and scrambled eggs and avocado slices. Giggling a little I turned and hurriedly walked to the grey counter and placed my food there and I turned to the fridge, opened it and aha! Honey! I searched for fruits and found some raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, apples, bananas and pineapples

I took a handful of the berries and washed and dried them, then I placed them on the pancakes and drissled some honey on top. I searched for utensils and found them in a drawer under the grey counter top. I got some coffee ready and sat down.

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