Feels Good To Be Home

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Heyyoooo how's you😊
Is 2022 :)

Sextuple update!!! Man I'm on fireeeeee😂😂😂


Yours truly



So Ava fetched Belle from school who engulfed me in a hug as soon as she came through the door. I had cooked lunch which would be supper because they came at around 7pm because of Ava's long shift at the hospital and Belle's after care.

Belle kept me well informed about what happened when I was away while she changed into her home clothes from her uniform. She would scream every time I left. I think I gave her separation anxiety.

I've never left without her and for so long even. Argh umtwana wam bethuna. After she changed we went to the kitchen where we found Ava stuffing her face and her answer was she missed my cooking.

We had dinner over a couple of laughs and after wards Ava did the dishes while I bonded with my baby in some skin to skin warm bath. We got dressed in our matching pj's and I did her hair and sang her to sleep.

After making sure she's asleep I went to the living room to join Ava and catch her up on all that went down ekhaya. After 3 hours of catching up, stuffing our faces and watching movies we restocked our snacks and settled for Sister Sister on Netflix.

"Wait wait wait let me get this straight, so your mother called saying something is wrong with your dad and you rushed to SA only to find out that it's your lobola day and to make things worse you are forced to move in with your husband and he disappears right there and then then you go to his house and when you get there you find a half naked girl claiming to want him back and then boom you find out mans is a woman beater when you are woken up by him bearing the naked girl and then they pretend everything is okay when you question them theeeeen *takes deep breath* later at night he kisses you and you cry out of 'shock' and run off then the next day you chill with his brother and plan to come back to us then he says no when you tell him this and herrings you so you send him tons of voicemails swearing at him and then fight with his guards and escape back to America with your phone, passport, his car keys and clothes only? Wow talk about action movie drama. And all of this happened in one week?"

"Yep. You got that right." I say popping some candy in my mouth.

"I can't with you girl. Anyway there's some left over pie Belle and I made yesterday so help yourself to it. I gotta get some sleep. Unlike you I got work tomorrow. So good night."

"Why you telling me about the pie now when I'm stuffed. And whatever I'll get back to work by the end of the week...hopefully." I stand and stretch.

She walks to her bedroom. Turning back she says

"Oh and I'd suggest you come take Belle. How do you sleep with such a kicker I swear last night she kicked my pelvis"

"What no way she's not that bad."

"Mmmmhmmmm you clearly are not talking about the same belle I'm talking about"

"Okay so she's a kicker and a bad one at that but I'm used to her so I honestly don't even mind. I missed her kicking tho. And she's asleep in my bedroom so whatever."

"Fine by me boo boo"




These past 3 weeks have been hectic, Keith tracking Hernandez, the missions and Amanda too. Luckily Hernandez was finally caught trying to escape Cuba. Meaning I can finally go back home and focus on the businesses and being a husband and a father.

Through out the flight back to SA I was nervous, I basically left my wife for almost 4 weeks and you can never tell how Crystal will react, I never have.

After the 18 long hour flight and an hour drive to my estate I got home. The house was cold and distant, without life, like how it used to be before Crystal came back. I head straight to my room and take a shower.

Her toiletries were here meaning she's in the house. After showering I lotion up and wear swears and it's lights out as soon as my head hit the pillows.

I'm up hours later, I'm still jet lagged but now I've got some energy. I can smell Crystals scent but it's faint. I go to the ensuit bathroom to wash my face and mouth. Once I'm done, I head to my room and grab my phone, I go downstairs and my stomach grumbles.

I head to the fridge and open it only to be met by a horrible smell. The smell of rotten food. Where the hell is Crystal? I unlock my phone and call security. They arrived in 10 minutes and i am already pissed.

"Where's my wife?" I ask and nobody answers, they look around "Where is my wife! I will not ask again!" They still don't answer me. "Bhuti I just got off the phone with Mrs Johnson and she sounded very worried and livid, not to mention Mr Johnson." Sabelo walks into my house

"Hey what's going on, why's the security here and where's your wife?"

"Thats what i'm trying to figure out."

I reply without taking my eyes off of the security guards about to lose their jobs. "So what's the security doing here-ahh okay". He turns to them "So where is she madoda ?"

"Uh boss, I didn't know she wanted to escape. She seemed to be in pain and I didn't want to get into trouble for not attending to the madam in need." One of the guards say

"Did she say where she was going" Sabelo asks. I'm too livid to talk to them.

"She just said she needed lady things for her ladies time of the month."

"Mmm and no one, not even one of you thought to go with her just in case she needs help or runs away!" Sabelo shouts

I sigh "When did this happen exactly"

It's quiet.

"Khulumani marn" what's up with Sabelo today?

"Almost a month back" at this I stand in rage.

"A month! She's been gone a month! Why the hell did you not call immediately when she left huh? Or you wanted her to leave right? Yes it makes sense, you don't want me happy so you sabotage my marriage!"

"Chaa chaa chaa mhlonishwa akunjalo (No no no sir it's not like that)"

"Phumani" I say

None of them move

"NGITHE PHUMANI MARN! (I said leave)"

They scurry out of my house. "We need to find her" I say

"We will bhuti omdala"

"We must!" I move to my room to contact one of my IT guys.

Phone call:

"Aww Skelly skelly, what's popping"

"I need you to find someone for me"

"Wow! Straight to the point. You Zulu men"

"Prince when can you get back with  results? I don't have time for jokes. It's urgent"

"In about 3 hours, as soon as you tell me who to look for."

"My wife"

"Wife? Unyetse Skelly skelly?"

"Yebo Prince. Shesha ke"


"Crystal Mbaliyothando Johnson. She's from SA but for the past 8 years, she's been in the US."

"Got it"

He ends the call

I sigh and sit at the foot of my bed.

I will find you my love


Issa wrap beautiful humans :)

Until next time.

Lots of love from mwa💋

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