You're still leaving ?

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We found ourselves on the bed, me on my back with a pillow supporting my back as my legs were over Siya's shoulders. His thrusts ever so fast and fluid as he rubbed on my clit. Tears spilled out of my eyes at the overstimulations on my overly sensitive clit. He swallowed every one of my loud moans as my body convulsed. 

His hands gripping on my thighs as he chased his own high. I bit into his shoulder when he flicked my clit one last time, sending me over the edge together with him. He grunted as be spilled his seed in me. I couldn't help but wince when he pulled out. "Uright?"

"Yeah. You're big." He chuckled,  seeming quite pleased with what I said. I rolled my eyes and quickly, his hand came on around my throat as he slid in swiftly.  "I don't mind making your eyes roll to the back of your head." He moved slowly. "Siya..."

"Yes?" He rolled his hips and I let out a loud moan as he hit my g-spot. "Found it" he kept hitting the same spot. "S-s-stop..." I shut my eyes, the pleasure getting to intense for me. I gripped his arm as he tightened his hold around my neck, quickly bringing me to an intense climax. I couldn't hold the short screams in as he flicked my nipples. Pinching and tugging painfully yet ever so sweetly.



I laid in bed  thinking as Sinothando insisted on taking another bath but alone this time. I couldn't help the wide smile on my face. She's the light at the end of my dark tunnel. She has always been and always will be. The door opened and she walked straight to the couch that had clothes on it.

I stood and walked behind her. She ignored me like a plague. "Sino-"

"Help me clip this on please." She motioned to her bra straps. "There's no need for this." I say as I move to slide it off. "Haai Siya. If you don't want to help me usho please." She clicked her tongue before pushing past me. "Okay yini inking yakho MaRadebe? (Okay what's your problem MaRadebe?)"

"Ndifun' u'gqiba apha wea ufuna ndikhuphe impahla! (I'm trying to finish dressing but you are here trying to keep me naked!)" She huffed as she finally clips it together. "Haaibho when did that become a problem?" She gave me a death stare. "Wangbuka manje? (Why are you staring at me now?)"

She rolled her eyes and I laughed it off so that I wouldn't act on instinct. She got dressed and I wore my sweatpants and a vest. "Where are my children?" She asked after a while.  "Upstairs with MakaZamah." She stood up. "Okay thanks."


"Ngiyolanda ingane zami. (I'm going to fetch my children.)" And then she walked out.  I followed behind her. "And then what?"

"And then we are leaving."

"You and who?"

"My children and I. " We got to the kitchen. "Why?" She stopped and turned to me. "Why, are you seriously asking me why? Look at my arm! It's in a bloody cast! All thanks to you. That's why!" I stood there frozen as the children came in, probably after hearing the noise.

"Mommy, " Kelvin inched closer to her and Belle holds her hand. "Are you guys ready?" She asks them while staring at me. "Yep. We are ready." Belle says, "Great. Let's get our bags."

"Bags? What bags?" MakaZamah asks. "Siyagoduka.  (We are leaving)" Sinothando says.


Sinothando bends down to the children's level and whispers something. They walk off holding hands. "Akhonto apha ethi mna nabantwana bam. (There's nothing left for me here.)"


"Chaa sisi. It's okay." MakaZamah pulls her into a hug before walking off after wiping the tears from her eyes. "Fix this." She walked out crying. "Hey-Sthandwa sami ukhalelani? (Why are you crying my love?)" That was Bhut'Mlungisi who soon came into the kitchen.

"Aii Siyabonga umkami ukhalelani? (Why is my wife crying Siyabonga?)"

"She's leaving me. Again" I sat on a stool. "Ubani manje ohambayo? (Whose leaving now?)"


"What did you do now?"

"Aside from everything? I don't know."

"Aii bafo. Maybe it's for the best."

"For the best? Mlungisi she's taking my children with! We are at war and she's walking out on me! Taking my family with her and you expected me to think its for the best! Aii marn!"

"Yini ngomsindo nkosiyami! (What's with the noise!)" Ma walked in, followed by Baba.

"Sinothando is leaving." I say with a shrug. "Oh.  Okay." Mama says, Baba turns to her, "Ha-a don't look at me like that. Let her leave. Yena no Zandile have always wanted to do this moc. Let them go."

"Mkami how could you say that?"

"Don't even start with me wena Khethokwakhe."

"She wants to go, let her go."

Just then, Sino and the kids walked in, wheeling her and the their luggage bags. "Koti please reconsider leaving" Baba said to her. She shook her head and looked downwards out of respect. "I'm sorry Baba but I cannot. There's nothing for me here-"

"Then you are free to go" Ma said and that must've shocked her because she raised her head quickly.  "Yes, you are nkt traditional connected to this family. In fact, you are nothing more than just the mother of my grandchildren so you may go. I trust that you will keep my grand babies safe?" She nodded,  still in shock.

"Then that's that. I pray that you are safe wherever you will go. Keep my grand children safe." Ma then hugged her. As if realizing what's going on, she slowly hugged ma back with her working arm. "You're leaving?" We turned to the soft voice.

"Darling," Sinothando called out to Sinokuhle, reaching out her hand. Sinokuhle ran to her embrace and cried in her arms. I could feel Ma rolling her eyes. "I wanna come with you." Sino looked up at me for help but I looked to Baba.

"Ntombiyam, you cannot leave witg Makoti."

"Why Daddy? I have nothing for me here-"

"She's not lying" Sizakele chimed in. 

"You have me, your uncles, you brothers and cousins and your sister."

"No daddy, she doesn't have me. Please leave me out of your entanglements." Sizakele said again. Sinokuhle was just sniffling, never letting go of Sino. "Baba, if it wouldn't be a problem-"

"Chaa Makoti. I am not letting my daughter out of my sight."

"Wow!" Sizakele and Ma said before clapping their hands. "Wasukhuluma engathi uyena kuphela indodakazi yakho manje. Haai chaa! Waze wayenza into uNokuthula! Yhoo. Nasekufeni uyiscefe emshadweni wami! (You speak as if she is your only daughter.  My goodness! Cuddos to Nokuthula! Even in death she's still a nuisance in my marriage!)"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that! She was more of a woman than you can ever dream of being!"

"Both of you stop it! You are so keen on leaving Sinokuhls. It's fine. You may leave." She squeezed Sinothando's hand. "But Scar is coming with you. End of discussion."

"Okay Baba. Thank you." She walked up to uBaba and she gave him a tight hug. "Thank you Daddy." They held onto one another and I turned to my wife and kids. "Come here," I motioned for Zothile and Kelvin who timidly walk to me.

"I want you two to know that I love you niyezwa?" They nodded,  "Look out for one another and listen to your mother at all times. I'll see you guys in a few months time. Don't forget to tell your mother how much you love her every night.  Give her a kiss from me too. I love you both so much. " I pulled them I for a hug.

"Okay, go on now." I kissed their foreheads before they walked back to their mother. "Boss, we are ready." Scar walked in holding a duffle bag. "Good." I nod and take the luggage. "Wait for me bhuti" Sinokuhle shouted.

I walked them out to the car, "Sino" I called as she was about to enter the car. "Oh right, your wife." Sinokuhle said awkwardly. Sinothando looked at me. "Please take care of yourself and our children" she nodded, "I will." I pulled her in for a hug. "I love you" I whispered. She nodded again before entering the car.

I watched as they drove off, taking my heart with...

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