Breakfast with the bunch

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I walked to the bathroom to wash my puffy red face after my cry. I found some wash clothes in the bathroom cupboards, infact,  everything was fully stocked. I took a long shower to calm my nerves. When I finished, I applied the lotion that I found in the cupboard and I wrapped my naked body in a bath towel.

I walked to the walk in closet to look for sleep wear and to my surprise, it was filled tothe brim with clothes in my size. I searched for sleep wear but all there was, was lingerie. I rolled my eyes, typical of a man to kidnap you and decide what you should wear.

I let out a sigh and decided to look through the other part of the closet that had Siyabonga's clothes. I found a black t-shirt and some boxers. I quickly got dressed and walked to the bed.

I climbed in and cuddled my babies. Throughout the night, I had trouble sleeping and I only caught some shut eye in the wee hours of the morning. I woke up to a hand on my face and a weight on my back, when I finally came to be, I realized that the weight was Zothile and the hand belonged to Kelvin. I removed the two from me and then I got my aching body out of the bed.

I stretched my sore limbs and proceeded to walk to the bathroom. I took a quick hot shower to soothe my sore body. I applied some lotion and walked out of the bathroom with a different towl wrapped around my body. I picked out a pair of sweat pants and a large tee shirt. I got some fuzzy socks and a sports bra. I found some slippers on the shoe rack. I got dressed and picked up the bath towels.

I took them back to the bathroom and I folded them. I walked back to the bedroom and woke my little ones up. I quickly bathed them and wrapped them in bathing towels. I only realized then that they had no clothes in this room. I walked out with the two holding one of my hands. We walked down the hallway, being led by the names on the doors. We stopped infront of a door that had the name Belle written on it.

I opened the door and Zothile let out a squeal of excitement. The room was different shades of purple and pink. It had a princess bed that had fairy lights hanging all over it, the closet was painted a dark purple and the mirror had stickers of Disney princesses. The walls had posters and drawings of princess.

"Okay, let's get your clothes and get you two fed then you'll come back here okay." She nodded but wouldn't stand still. "Mommy look!" She pointed at the vanity table that had body products that was Disney princess themed. We took the glitter magical body lotion and she insisted on applying it herself.

I let her do so while I picked an outfit out for her. I got her some pink tights and a white t-shirt that had princess Tiana in front. I got some socks and shoes for her. I helped her get dressed, tied her hair into a ponytail by means of the hair ties we found in the drawer ofthe vanity table and then we were off to Kevin's room.

Kevin's room had blue walls and the theme was Under the sea. The bedframe was a boat and on the end of the bed, there was a wooden plank made to look like the captain's office. The closet had diffrent kinds of fish painted on it and the bathroom door had the words 'captain's lavetory' painted on it. Kelvin just went and sat on his bed whilst I looked though the closet for an outfit.

I chose to dress him in shorts and a tank top. I helped him wear his Adidas shoes. We walked out with Kelvin on my hip. I held Zothile's hand in mine as we walked up to the kitchen. After a few missed turns and confusion, we made it to the kitchen.

I heard loud chatter coming from the living room but my shy self decided to just sit in the kitchen. I sat the kids on the high chairs and decided to search for something to snack on while i make breakfast. "OH my goodness senafika!" A voice said behind me.

I slowly turned, "Hi.." I felt a sense of embarasment wash over me like a river. "Unjani Makoti omncane (How are you Makoti?)" MakaZamah stood at the entrance of the kitchen with a wide smile on her face. "Uh, ngiyaphila sisi. Wena unjani? (Uh, I am good sisi. How are you?)"

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