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Author's lil note...

So I've had a hectic week and weekend but I promised myself I'd update. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post again and for that I apologize. I'm not doing okay emotionally and academically and that does affect my writing...

I'll be back soon lovies but I will leave you with a lil sum sum.

Enjoy, don't forget to vote and leave your comment.



Waking up next to the love of my life has to be the best thing ever. uMlungisi and I have been married for over 15 years yet I have been in this family for more than 2 decades. I was adopted by MaKhuzwayo who is known as uMamkhulu (The first wife). I was around ten years of age when she first brought me here. I grew up in this family as a cousin to the brothers. Mlungisi lived in Gauteng, just like most of the siblings and when I was given the opportunity to go there, I chose to stay back.

I was born in KZN and leaving did not feel right. When I graduated my grade 12, I had a celebration. Back then I had had a slight crush on Mlungisi but I felt awful because in my mind he saw me as family. We are 5 years apart. Him being the oldest ofcourse. So the night of the celebration came about and I was nervous as ever especially since I knew he would be there.

All went well, I was congratulated and uMamkhulu said she had applied to the university of Johannesburg for me since I couldn't stop talking about it. Her words not mine. At the end of the night, at around midnight I heard a knock on the door. In my silk PJs and fuzzy socks I opened the door, prepared to shout at whoever disturbed my sleep.

As I opened the door, my lips were attacked and I was pushed into my bedroom. My back landed on my soft duvet as my eyes slowly opened. Right on top of me was Mlu heavily breathing. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time" he said and I just stared at him. We spent the whole night just talking and making out.

The following morning, acting like nothing happened the previous night was hard. At the breakfast table I couldn't ease my nerves, his scent was intoxicating. Just as I was getting comfortable, I felt his hand on my bare thigh. I froze, my breathing mechanisms shut down. His hand slowly got higher and higher, rubbing what were meant to be soothing and comforting circles on my thigh. Mamkhulu asked me if I'm fine because I was quiet, too quiet and I had no answer. He squeezed my thigh causing me to jump up slightly.

I left the breakfast table full when I had barely touched my food. I decided to take a walk around the village. I spent my whole morning at the river. It always calmed me down. I could feel his presence before he announced himself. He sat besides me and we enjoyed the comfortable silence. "Ngiyaxolisa (I'm sorry)" I turned to look at him in confusion. "Uxoliselani? (What are you sorry for?)"

He shrugged his shoulders. "What I did at the breakfast table."

"Oh" I laughed nervously. "Its nothing" I said nonchalantly.

"Its not nothing. Audlanga and wena uthanda ukudla kakhulu. (You didn't eat and you love food)" he said. The butterflies that filled my stomach made me look downwards as I felt like my heart would explode. "So as a form of apology. I've brought you this" he pulled a picnic basket. "You didn't have to" I said but inside I was screaming.

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