An unknown understanding

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Soon enough it was 8 am and my loving wife was still asleep. I decided to let her rest, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I freshened up for the day and headed downstairs. I got to the kitchen and made a simple breakfast consisting of oatmeal and cinnamon with fresh cut strawberries and a glass of orange juice. As I was heading out of the kitchen, MakaSiya entered.

"Hmmm that looks delicious."

"Thanks ma. I've got to get this to Crystal before it gets cold."

"That woman is already tuning you into a sissy Fano. Why did you choose her? Of all of them?"

"Mama I don't appreciate you talking about my wife in that manner. I love you and you are my mother but I'd appreciate it if you stopped using such language. Especially in front of my child."

"Hee!" She clapped her hands.

"Yeka  lento yakho marn MaNzuza. Ngicela ungenzele ukudla lapho (stop this thing of yours man. Please make me some food)" Baba said standing by the stairs.

"Sawubona Baba."

"Oats is getting cold" he disregarded my greeting.

"I'll be on my way" I walk upstairs, careful not to drop the food. I entered and the sight before me made me see just how blessed I am. Belle was sleeping on her mother's chest.

"Morning" I say and Crystal looks up at me, brushing her fingers in Belle's curly mane.

"Morning" she whispered.

I walked towards the bed and placed the food at a safe distance. "Is that for me?" She asked

"Yebo. Ngithe ngikukhombise ukuthi ngiyabonga kakhulu ngakho konke ongenzele kona (Yes. I thought I'd show you just how appreciative I am for all that you've dome for me)"

"Awww. Let me go brush my teeth. Please wake her up, I can't have her sleeping so much" she got up and all I could do was stare mesmerized by her beautiful body.

"Wakey wakey eggs are bakey. Morning little one"

"Daddy let me sleeeeeep"

"She's just like you ya know"

I look up and Crystal was standing there in a gown. Looking cute and all. "I highly doubt that"

"How long have you been trying to wake her up?"

I kept quiet

"Exactly. Just like her daddy" she walked to the closet and closed the doors. She came out after a few minutes wearing a dark blue and white maxi dress.

"You look beautiful"

"Don't I always"

She sat on the bed and kissed my cheek. I was stunned for a minute. "Your's uhm. Here" I placed the tray on her lap

"Thank you." She took a spoonful into her mouth. "Argh! Its cold"

"You still hate cold oats?"

"Yes. Its very weird" she made a cute face

"Says the one who likes oats"

"Correction. I like hot oats. Not cold. Hot"

"Whatever you say ma'am"

"Little miss Belle its time to wake up" all she did was groan and turn her head to the other side

"Please pick her up. I'll go start her bath water." She walked out and I was left with the very soundly asleep Belle.

I decided to try what my mother did when I would refuse to wake up. I scooped up a moderate amount of oats and stuck it in her mouth. It took a few seconds but she woke up looking around the room.

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