The Plan

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"Bhuti...bhuti...bhuti...Siyabonga" a hard shove and scream in my ear jolted me awake

"Yeer marn warasa kangaka yindaba (Jeez man why you screaming so much, what's wrong)" I rub my soar eyes.

"Aii lutho bhuti bengithi ngikuvuse nje (Ohh nothing brother I just thought to wake you up)" Sabelo said with an annoying smile on his face

"Yhoo mtwana ka mawakho!! Uyislingo marn" I get up from bed annoyed at him

"Ngiyomchel' uMa (I'm telling mom)"

"Hamba ubuye nochange (go and come back with the change)"

"Mxm" he stomps out of my room. For a 23year old he certainly acts like a 3 year old. Deciding to focus on waking up full, I head to the shower and take a quick cold shower to wake me up.

After about 30 minutes, I head out of my room and down to the kitchen to grab a black cup of coffee.

"Morning" I greet the bunch in the kitchen

"Morning boss"

I settle down onto a bar stool.

"So boss" a voice says after a few minutes of my arrival

"Yebo Zethu"

"Uhm...may I ask why we are headed to the US when we've already gotten your woman"

My woman?

"What do you mean 'we've already gotten my woman' ?"

"I mean, respectfully, we are headed to the US to fetch a person who clearly doesn't want to come back." My eyes shifted slightly to her hand tightening around the spatula and they trailed all over her body, analysing her body language

"Because," I said after a long pause "I said so Agent 00568"

It got silent after that. I decided to take my coffee and little miss ball of fire stormed off and out of my house.

"Thank you boss!"

Aphelele, one of the male agents said. Keeping my face and voice void of emotions I ask "For?"

"She wouldn't stop complaining about all of this, talking about how this is a waste of resources and time-"

"Isn't she your girlfriend?"

"Ex. One I regret" we all laughed

"Hmm mm julle, your disturbing us, shoo shoo uit. Well call you when the food's ready" Shantel says shooing us out of the kitchen.

I head out to the backyard and take deep breaths just like I practised and let the situation settle in. After a few moments, I head back to the house

"He's gone crazy, talking about, his woman is in the states.........Oe I think he's over you.........Mamela, khona umuntu later" she turned "Oh boss" sounding panicked.

I stared at her. She fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Hmm" I continued my trek back into the house. Leaving her there.

I walked into the house and everyone was now seated and eating.

"Boss you sit here" Shantel said gesturing to the chair at the head of the table.

I sat down and dug in...."Thank you for the breakfast Shantel. It was delicious"

"Your welcome boss, at least you have manners unlike all these other idiots" She says picking her plate up getting ready to put it away in the kitchen.

"Why don't you sit down Shantel, let these fools clean up after themselves. And maybe they should do the dishes too."

"With pleasure boss" everyone got up and picked up the dishes and cutlery that was used.

"SHANTEL!!" I turned to look at her in question.

"Oh, I forgot. I used individual pans for the bacon, sausages and eggs and maybe I got a bit excited and tried almost every other utensil in the kitchen so..."

"Damn" we laughed a little


"You okay boss?" 



We sat in silence. After about an hour of pots and pans clanging and ringing, the gents came out of the kitchen looking tired as hell.

"Aww come on it couldn't have been that bad" Shantel says mockingly

"Haha very funny" Sempilo aays

"I know right"

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I take it out and its the pilot calling.


"Boss we are ready for you"

"Good, we'll be there in a few"


I end the call and when I turn, Shantel is standing right behind me

"Yes?" My eyebrow raised in question

"Are we leaving yet"

"Yes. Everyone listen up. We need to be in the sky in less than two hours so grab whatever you need. We are going on a little trip to the USA"

A chorus of "Yes sir" rounded the house.


"All passengers please make sure that your seatbelts are on as we will be taking off in five minutes"

We were all situated in the plane. I chose to sit a but further than everyone else to catch up on work and strategize a way to approach Crystal.

"Alright and we are clear for take off"


"We are now in cruising altitude, you are now free remove you seatbelts and to walk around the plane if you wish to"

"Hey" I signal the flight attendant "Can I get a double on the rocks"

"Coming right up sir"

I turn my laptop on and get to work. I see her placing it besides me with a small plate filled with fruit

"Thanks" I don't lift my head, but from the corner of my eye I see a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Ya woman better watch out, you seem to catch a lot of pretty ladies' attention boss. Who knows, someone might snatch ya" Shantel says in what I assume is a joking manner.

"You know when I chose this seat, I wanted to avoid all you loud people."

"Oh *scoffs* so we are now 'loud people'. And here I thought we bonded. You wound me boss"


"Alright, enough working, come join us" she closed my laptop and threw it across the plane

"Shantel I hope for your sake my laptop is still fine because it has a shit load of valuable things in it!"

"Relax will ya. Sempilo caught it...I hope" she whispered the last bit.

"You'd better"

I followed behind her and the rest of the team was playing cards. I can count on them to save my life but with serious matter, not one bit.

We played games throughout the entire flight and we landed in america at 5am.

"Okay we got to drive to the safehouse so whose driving" I question as we stood outside in Manhattan.

"I'll drive." Sabelo says

"Okay. Try not to get us lost again please" I hand him the keys

"It was that one time"

"One too many time"

We enter the car and like in a movie, 3 black ford rangers follow each other into the busy streets of Manhattan.

I closed my eyes to rest a bit...

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