Back To SA

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Once we settled into the safehouse, I took a shower and went to lala land. I woke up at around 11am and I made lunch and hit the gym for six hours. At around 6pm the squad came together for dinner and we discussed the plan. Some said it would be better to meet Crystal at a park, other people said the local supermarket but most said it would be better done at her home in case of any surprises or incidents or emergencies.

So after debating, strategies, plans and loads of Chinese food later, we decided to go to her apartment. On the drive to her place all that ran in my mind is her reaction and how she'd go about with this situation. I know its a lot to take in but a little help from her would somewhat ease the baggage. We arrived at the complex after a while and headed inside.

Security let us in because they saw our guns or they already knew what we are here for. I asked for her apartment number just to be sure. Once I was in the all clear, we headed up to the apartment using the elevator while some used the stairs to hold off anyone coming in or going out.

We got to her door and Jai started working on the door. Once inside, we scanned the apartment for any weapons or such. Once in the all clear, agents spread around the house and hid in plain sight. It was nearing 11pm and nothing. Just as I was preparing to call this all off, I heard footsteps approaching.

I held my breath as the feet stopped right in front of the door which we had left unlocked. As the keys jingled, voices sounded, one very familiar but another was different. I held my block waiting for instinct to pull it out and pull the trigger. The door slowly opened and a shadow neared and in a flash, the lights switched on.

"Siyabonga" she whispered in disbelief

"Daddy?" A small high pitched voice said behind her. We all turned to look at where the sound came from and right there, stood my carbon copy.

"Daddy?" I heard myself say as I stood and my body unconsciously moved towards the three. "Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that question since you are in my house"

The little girl and girl behind Crystal said in unison.

"I'm Siyabonga" my left hand, the one that previously held my block, was now in front of my body, outstretched to the woman.

"Ava" we shook hands. I knelt down and stared in the eyes of my carbon copy. "And who are you little one?" I ask choosing to focus solely on her "I'm Belle" she says looking hesitantly at her mother.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Belle" I smile at her and she smiles back, shaking my hand. I stand up straight and look at Crystal who looks like she's seen a ghost. "Let's talk" I say and gently grab her arm which seems to zap her out of her trans.

"Siya?" She questions.

"Let's go talk" I decide to take the lead sensing that she's still disoriented. I get to a room and open the door. There inside, sat 2 agents who stood and walked out as I nodded to them. I lead Crystal to the bed and made her sit.

"Why?" I ask after making sure I stood at a distance from her.

In return I was answered by silence

"Why Mbali?" I ask once more. Silence again. Just as I was prepared to ask again, a small voice said.."I was angry"

"So you kept my child from me for 7 full years hmm?" I begin pacing around the room. Trying to find stability

"You hurt me Siya. What was I supposed to do hmm? Go back home with a baby bump when I was sent to the states to study? Is that what you wanted me to do yeh?" Her voice rose slightly

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