KwaZulu again.

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After my shower and 'talk' with Siya, I got dressed in a short sleeve knee length blue dress that had two strings at the chest area. I came down and worked on my dough. I decided to make dumplings in oxtail stew. I began cooking at 4pm to finish at 7 pm, latest would have been 8pm. Siya locked himself in his study after our conversation. kelvin woke up later and came downstairs to watch TV with his sister.

I had been busy in the kitchen from 2pm. I finally got to sit down when I finished cooking everything. I was now just resting my throbbing feet and just to cool down. It was around 07:13pm when Siya came down.

He passed me and went to the living room, the kid's loud chatter grew silent. I couldn't hear anything for a while and that had me worried. I held the butcher knife in my shaky hands as I advanced to the living room.

I found Siya talking to the kids like everything was fine. I slowly walked back to the kitchen and decided to dish up. I plated the kids food in Tupperware bowls and placed Siya's food on a tray. I walked into the living room, hands holding a small bowl that had warm soapy water. I had a dish cloth thrown over my shoulder.

Siya sat up straight and helped Kelvin sit besides Jim. I knelt down and held the bowl at him, my head bowed in respect. Even though I was disappointed in him, I'll always show him my respect. He washed his hands and used the cloth to dry them. "Me too mommy." Kelvin rinsed, I can't say that per say because he just swished the water around.

Siya handed him the cloth helped dry his hands. Belle just took the bowl from my hands and walked to the kitchen with it. I took the dishcloth back to the kitchen. I found Belle searching the drawers. "Yes child?"

"I'm looking for a spoon."

"Its in the second drawer from the kitchen."

I rinsed a glass from the dish tray, placed it on the tray besides the plate and grabbed the cold orange juice from the fridge. I placed a spoon and fork on either side of the plate. I got the tray and walked out as Zothile followed behind me with her bowl of food in one hand and Kelvin's bowl in another. I handed Siya the tray of food.

"Ngiyabonga. (Thank you)" I nodded and walked back to the kitchen to grab my plate. When I got to the living room, I found Zothile feeding Kelvin. "Eat your food sweetheart. I'll feed Kelvin."

She handed him his bowl and he walked towards me. I placed my food on the coffee table, hoisted Kelvin onto my lap and get him from his bowl. "Aren't you eating Belle?"

I saw her playing with her food. "Is it good?" She asked Siya particularly. "Mmm" he nodded, getting another spoonful in his mouth.  She hesitantly brought the spoon to her mouth.

"Well....?" I asked her, feeding Kelvin another spoonful. "Its good." She began eater more. "Daddy?"


"Can we watch TV?"

"No, you never finish your food when you're watching TV Belle."

"But mommy-"

"After you finish eating." She nodded and continued eating. "Done. Can we now?" She placed her bowl on Siya's empty plate. "Mommy I'm full" Kelvin was playing with the string on my dress. "Okay baby, take your bowl to the kitchen." I placed him on the ground and watched his adorable self waddle sleepily to the kitchen.

"Well? What do you think?" I turned to Zothile.

"It was good." She smiled and claimed on the couch besides her father. "Let me take this." I stood and grabbed the tray form Siya's lap. "Thank you" he said. I nodded and walked into the kitchen where I found Kelvin sleeping on the floor.

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