Christmas in KZN

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I had all my things that I took yo the hotel room with me. Now I was headed downstairs via elevator. I actually had time to check out the hotel and by the time I got to the lobby, I had noted down 9 cameras from the elevator and four hidden within the elevator. "Good morning. I'd like to check out please." I said to the lady behind the front desk.

"Good morning sir. Sure. Uhm...what room?"

"Room 404." She looked up from the screen in front of her. "Sure. Hold on." She typed on the keypad. "Okay. Room key please." I handed it to her. "Thank you. I trust you had a wonderful time Mr Xhakaza."

I looked at her stunned. I hadn't mentioned my name. "I did. Goodbye." I took my phone out of my pocket and began texting Prince as i walked out of the hotel. Instead of a text back, I got a call. "Prince?"

"Boss you want me to find information out about your girlfriend?"

"Wife...technically. Just her family and  their involvement with hotels around eastern cape. Preferably where I stayed last night."

"Okay sir. I'll get back to you on it."

"Thanks." I got in my car and drove into the route that I knew would lead me back to Crystal's home's homestead. If that makes sense.
I finally arrived and I'd made sure to buy some snacks on my way back. Two figurines ran to my car before I could even park. As soon as I turned the car off, my door was pulled open. "Daddy!" Two voices squealed as two small bodies collided with mine. "I see that I was missed."

"So much dad. Now I wanna go back home with you." Kelvin said. "Why the sudden change of heart Kel?"

"Because daddy, we can't watch TV all day here. Mama woke us up and already we had to work." He whined.  "Well duhhh, I told you Kelvin, kids don't just sit around and become couch potatoes. Here, you work." Belle said.

"Hmmm! Well I don't like it."

"Too bad and too sad." Belle and I simultaneously said and then we laughed. "Well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes." Milicent, Crystal's cousin said.

"Alright, why don't you too take the plastics in the boot to the house. The one with the blue doritos is yours okay."

"Yaaaaayyyyy" I gave Kelvin the keys to the car as Milicent stood in front of me. As much as she tried to be intimidating (I'm guessing), I was not affected as I stared down at her. "I want you to listen to me good because I will not repeat myself yandivah?!"

I just nodded my head. "Sino is my cousin and I love her to hell and back. Zothile and Sizotha may be your children but I regard ten as mine too. I will do any and everything for  them. So if my cousin so much as calls me and I hear a sniffle or she's crying. I will slaughter you and scatter your body parts all over the world so no one knows where to fin you. You've already hurt her once. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN BECAUSE I WILL NOT BE AS FORGIVING."

"Oh there you guys are." Crystal's melodic voice, "The kids came in to the house  carrying plastics of snacks and I got curious." She came and snuggled up to my side. "Haai Nina. K'theni nindichisa ngecandlela rhaa! (No y'all. Why are y'all making me a third wheel !)"

"Xolo mntase. All I can say is, when you finally find your one, I'll happily hold your candles" Crystal said.

"Rhaa!" Milicent clicked her tongue and walked away. I looked down at the woman in my arms. "Someone's feeling extra cuddly today." I commented.

"Well, let's just blame my hormones yeah?"

"Sure. If the are the ones that are making you stick to me like glue, I'm not gonna blame em, imma thank them in fact." I kissed her forehead and she just smiles widely at me, making my heart skip a beat.

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