Meeting the parents

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"How could you! How could  you do this to me" I shouted, tears streaming out of  my eyes as the wind blew onto my face, making me look more of a mess

All he did was stare at me with hurt full in his eyes

"Answer me damnit! Why"


"You what? What was it huh? Ubufuna imali? Fame? What was it Siya!"

He cast his eyes downward in shame. I shivered as a light breeze hit me.

"Come on C, uyagodola and that's not okay" Sizwe one of my other friends said pulling me into his arms. As I turned, I caught a blimps of a smirking Ronald standing by the doors. As Sizwe lead me away from Siyabonga, I felt my heart break as flashbacks of what happened moments ago played in my mind.

"-ommy Mommy...Mommy I need to pee" I look down to my daughter.

"Sorry baby, c'mon." I get up from the seat and walk across the jet holding onto Belle's hand. We'd left 8 hours ago and been on this flight for 7 hours. As soon as we boarded the jet I went for the furthest seat I could find and I sat there. Siyabonga walked past me to a bedroom on the far back and placed a sleeping Belle onto the bed, covering her with a fleece blanket.

I joined Belle 2 hours into the flight when I nearly fell of my seat, dozing off. Since then we cuddled in bed and memories decided to pop up. As we got to the bathroom, I made sure to lock the door and I quickly helped Belle onto the toilet. Once we finished, I opened the door hoping to get back to the bedroom unnoticed but I guess my prayers didn't reach heaven.

"Crystal please come join me" said Siyabonga facing a laptop atop his lap. Mentally rolling my eyes and preparing myself, I slowly walked towards him with Belle in tow. I sat down and sat her on top of me.

"How are you?" He Began.

I wanted to yell profanities but decided with a much child appropriate answer. "I'm okay, thanks for asking. How are you?"

"Good, good. And you princess? How are you?"

"I'm excited."

"Really? And why is that?"

Since then they engaged in a conversation. After a long while.

"Hmm?" I slowly look down at her.

"I'm hungry" she says and before I can answer her I see a woman walking towards us rolling a tray. "What would you like to eat? We've got spaghetti, burger and fries and a tuna sandwich"

"We'd like some spaghetti please" I answer knowing very well that its Belle's favourite

"Great" she pulls a food cover and the smell of spaghetti fills the air. She hands us the plate and just as she pulls a second one, I stop her "We'll share this one thanks" she seems hesitant and looks over at Siyabonga. I see him nod his head and she places the plate back down.

Once we had our forks in hand, Belle and I dug in. Afterwards we drank apple juice and just like that, an Active Belle was here.

Throughout the rest of the flight Belle and Siyabonga bonded, they spoke about anything and everything.

"Boss" I turned to look and it was one of the agents I found in my bedroom

"Khuluma (speak)"

"We have a bit of a problem. uGonzalez ufuna ukukhuluma nawe (Gonzalez wants to talk to you)"

"Set up a meeting for next year, it's the festive season and i want to spend time with my family"

"Yes sir." He looked back onto his laptop.

"So dad, should I call you dad?" Belle asked but she was facing me.

"Yes you can" Siyabonga and I answered simultaneously. We looked at  each other. Holding each other's gaze until I looked away, unable to hold it anymore.

"Why were you staring at each other like that?" Belle asks.

"I was checking for a...a eyelash! Yes I thought there was an eyelash in his eyes." I respond quickly.

"Right" Belle says, unconvincingly.


The two continue to talk while I listen, putting my opinions here and there.

This continued on for the rest of the flight.

Once we landed at O.R Tambo international airport and it was round about 7 pm. We ended up stopping in the UK because of some problems that Siyabonga had to fix. During our time in the UK, we, Belle and I, freshened up and went sightseeing, we had food from restaurants and took photographs to put in the photo book Belle convinced me to buy.

Later on in the day, the agent that was with us - because I apparently could run away - said we had to get back to the airport because the problem had been solved. And like that, we were on another 8hour flight back to SA.


We landed about an hour ago and we are on our way to Siyabonga's house. I can't consider it as mine because I didn't buy it nor did I decorate it. In actual fact, I was thrown into it.

We stopped at a garage and bought some pies, drinks and snacks. We drove for another hour and half and by the time we got to the estate, I was exhausted and somewhat asleep whereas Belle was fast asleep.

We drove in and headed to Siya's house. I immediately got nervous and uneasy. I tried to brush it off as nerves but it didn't work so I did the next best thing; breathing excercises

"You okay?" I look up and Siya is looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"Mmm just nervous" I say

"Don't be. We'll work on it together"

I nod.

Soon after, we left the car and headed for the door, entered the dark walkway and the closer we got to the living room, the louder sounds got.

In my mind I'm hoping and praying that its the TV playing.

As we got into the living room


Guess its time to meet the parents...

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