The Dream : Part 1

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I took a long ass shower over thinking every damn thing and I nearly fell asleep twice. The third time I finally decided to get out when I nearly got my hair wet. I lotion up and wore a large graphic black tee and grey bum shorts with sandals. I tied my Afro into a high bun- lookalike-, just as I was settling into bed  for a little afternoon nap because I'm jet lagged.

A knock came through and I ignored it "Crystal come on now, I know your listening Cuz. I just wanna say I'm really sort for-for all of this. I really did want to tell you about the things happening in my life but I didn't want to burden you and ypou were never there."

"So your saying its my fault I didn't know about all this nonsense and you chose to burden the people who'd threaten to cut you and your child off instead." I stood from my bed and walked to the door. I hesitated on opening it

"You never told me about what happened, how was I supposed to help when I don't and didn't know what to help?"

"Don't shout at me. Argh! Talking to you is hopeless and the damage is already done. Nothings left to do except soldier the fuck on." I stood up furiously and paced back and forth in my room. Argh!

"What ever it is that happened that night changed the both of you. And when you left him, he broke. So just so you know, he was never the same or okay after you left." That was the last thing she said before I heard her retreating footsteps. I walked to my suitcase and grabbed my bag that had my laptop and chargers and toiletries, I took my lap top out and put Netflix on and decided to watch Emily in Paris.


'Morning baby, I can't wait to see you, tonight's gonna be amazing.' Its 8:10am and I've just woken up to the cute text from my loving boyfriend of 4 years, Siyabonga. Ahh he is just the sweetest!

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. I got done and wore a baggy tee-shirt and tights. I'll only deeply scrub and shave later today, at around 2pm. Eeeeeek!!! I'm so excited, its prom night.

I've been waiting for this day since I could remember. I had it all planned out, from my dress to my undergarments but life is unpredictable and things change. I felt it in my stomach that something wasn't right but I brushed it off as nerves.

I cleaned my room up who took about 2 hours and once I was done I laid on my purple and blue carpet to catch my breath. At around 10:30am I got up, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I still couldn't shake off the feeling of dread in my stomach.

I made strawberry pancakes and added whipped cream and jelly beans and peanut butter, I took a cup of rooibos tea with and went to watch Nickelodeon. I finished eating and cleaned my dishes then I lazed around the house.

Once 2pm struck I headed back upstairs to prepare for prom, it only started at 5 but I wanted to start early and have a relaxed time preparation. I got to my room and took my dress, heels and jewellery and put it on my bed. I got my makeup kit and placed it next to the jewellery.

I got to the bathroom and filled the tub with water, I added a bath bomb. Siya got me hooked on them when he bought them for me on Valentines day last year. I filed the tub to the brim and got my towels and wash cloth, I washed my face by the dink and got into the tub relaxing.

Hours later I was done with my bath and lotioning up, I was now doing my make up, I decided to keep it natural and add some purple make up and light brown high lights with clear gloss.

I wore my boob tube dress that had a light blue flower in the left side of my waist and a slit, also on the left from mid thigh until it pooled down my feet in my 6 inch blue, with purple roses peep toe heels. "Ohhh baby jonga umhle njani" mom says coming in my room "nyan mama?"

"Ewe princess"

"Enkosi mama" I stand from my vanity and grab my tiny purse which held my phone, some cash, gum, lip gloss and tissue inside.

We left my room and I heard the door bell ring which caused my nerves to sky rocket. "Ngathi  utatawakho akazuvuma uhambe (seems like your dad won't let you leave)" mama says and gestures for me to listen "now you make sure my daughter is safe young man or I will kill you" "ye-yes sir" "good boy"

"Wuu mama masiye angakabuyi uCalvin" I say and start walking down the stairs

"Ima Mbali, let me go first and announce your arrival"

"Oh okay" she goes down the stairs and in less than 2 minutes I hear multiple footsteps approach, I look up from my feet with a nervous smile on my face and everyone has the same look mama had when she walked in my room.

"Umhle ntokazi" Siyabonga says breaking me out of my thoufht,s. He stares me directly in the eye and walks up the stairs to me. I meet him half way, blushing from the intensity of his stare. We stare into each others eyes and its like we were in our own world, the outside world none exist and as I looked into his beautiful golden brown eyes which held his emotions.

Dad comes up behind Siya and clears his throat loudly, pulling us back into the present. "Pictures?"

"Of course, mama  answers" we head down the stairs, hand in hand and take pictures, we take serious and funny pictures, as couples, me and my dad then my parents and I, but mostly Siya and I. Siya says its getting late and we head out to the limo he rented. We day our goodbyes to my parents and get inside after my mother shouts "Have a great time, just don't make me a grandmother"

In the limo...

I took my heels off as soon as we got settled inside because I didn't want to tire my feet and because I could. Siya poured us some non alcoholic champagne. We sipped on it while catting with kisses in between, on our way to school.

I still couldn't shake off the weird feeling in my stomach.


It's a wrap everybody! That's a wrap!!! Whatchu tink? Good bad ???

I'm so so sorry for being AWOL for nearly 2 weeks, school is hectic, I'm writing tests everyday, literally wrote a maths paper today and yesterday was Afrikaans and tomorrow is English (again) and accounting so I haven't had time to update.

Thank you guys for your patience, I love you all, mwa💋

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