Ive been waiting to since she walked in here.

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I only got 3 hours of sleep. By the time 6 am came, I was already up and ready for the day. Waking up early and sleeping no more than 3 hours became an unbreakable habit. I just got back from my morning run and a few agents were up.

Greeting those I came across I made my way to the kitchen. Sis Joyce was already up "Molo sisi" I greeted. "Molo Siya, breakfast will be ready now now." "Haai I'll just grab a banana. I want to go wash this sweat off." Just as I said that Amanda walked in wearing the tightest clothing consisting of gym shorts showing her ass and a push up bra.

"Amanda what in the world are you wearing?" Sis Joyce asked her.

"Joyce when will breakfast be ready? Oh morning daddy"

"Tsek nxa!" I walked off. I went to the second last floor where mine and my brothers bedrooms along with Bayanda's were. He has a room in every safe house I have for emergency situations. "Morning bro." I greet Xola

"Control your whore wena Siyabonga nxa!" He pushed last me and walked off.

Confused, I walked to my room and took a quick shower. Some one was knocking on my door as I got out. I walked to the door and opened it "Sticks?"

"Okay so after searching all night since you guys got back, I found a tracker on Amanda's jacket but it shut down as soon as you guys got through the gate."

"Okay good. Now keep searching and you'll fill me in once I'm dressed and not naked under this towel"

"Of course and sorry for disturbing you." He walked away and I shut the door. I quickly lotion up and get dressed. I grab my phone and head to the kitchen. I find the crew up and eating breakfast.

>>>>>>>>>>>>le time skip<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Later on the day at around 1 pm I was busy checking in on the businesses back in SA, sitting in the lounge. "Boss so I be checked the tracker and it has nothing. Literally nothing. It had a trace but that lead me nowhere." Sticks said coming from behind me.

"Damn it!" I shut my laptop putting it aside. I stood up and headed to my office on the top floor. "Follow me and call Amanda to my office. Oh and grab my laptop please"

"On it"

We walked to the elevator and I pressed the top floor. In total the safe house has 7 floors. The first three being the office floors, the garage and on top of it the lounge and the kitchen is the 4th and main floor, heading down to the 5th floor where everyone else sleeps there's about 50 bedrooms and below them is mine and my brothers personal floor and right at the bottom is the basement consisting of torture rooms, cells, weapons etc.

We get to the office floor and I head straight to my office. I find Scar and a couple more agents are busy in the other room. I sit in my chair and check the reports on the other two missions we got.

Amanda along with sticks and Miguel following each other like that enter the office. Miguel continues to the other room and Amanda makes herself comfortable on top of my damn table.

"Sit on the damn chair woman"

"Mmm daddy you called?"

I motion for Sticks and he grabs her arm and sits her on the chair.

"Oww Mvelo uyangilimaza marn nxa (Your hurting me man nxa)"

"Good" Sticks says.

"So what's this about?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"You better check your attitude woman before I check it for you" I say

"Mcm" she rolls her eyes. I quickly stand from my desk and Sticks comes to me and holds me down.

"Relax Butcher"

"Mmm. Woman tell me where you were held captive"

"How the hell am I supposed to know that? I was blindfolded duh" she says rolling her eyes

"Woman I will ask you one last time! Now. Where the fuck were you held captive and why was your damn tracker off!"

"I don't know daddy they-" she whines out

"Voetsek man stop calling me that nxa!"
She pouts looking away and rolls her eyes.

"Roll your eyes one more time. I dare you."

"Mcm" she rolls her eyes. I quickly flip the table and grab her throwing her off the chair and onto the floor. I press my hands on her neck making sure to squeeze her pressure points.

"No no no boss you don't want to do this" sticks says trying to pull me off of her

"Oh trust me I've been wanting to since she walked in here. This woman has been testing my patience for a long long time and I've had it with her" she kept scratching and punching my arms while wiggling underneath me trying to make me loosen up my hold.

Only when her eyes rolled to the back of her head did I let go. She gasped trying to gulp in the air to let it in coughing. She held on her throat coughing with tears in her eyes and her face was red.

She was physically shaking. Just how I like her. Quiet and scared. I stood up and she quickly tried moving out of my way.

"By the time I'm back I want her out of my office. Put her in the damn cells in the basement!"

I walked out of the office.



I woke up to immense pains around my lower back and abdomen. Slowly getting up from the bed I checked the time and it was 8 pm. I went to take a shower and I wore the same clothes again. With ever step I took I felt like someone was stabbing at me.

I finally made it to Siya's bedroom and I went to his medicine cabinet and popped 2 ibuprofens in my mouth. I headed back downstairs to take the car keys and I drove to the gate again.

20 minutes later

I've been talking to these guards for almost 10 minutes and they are not budging. I finally gave up and drove back home furious. The pains were getting intense by the minute. Yandiqhela lo and his guards talking about "I'm sorry ma'am but boss said not to let you out" nxa where is that fucken boss naye ndizomnika ipiece of my mind that!

Argh I should sit down before I burn a hole in this tile. But it's not like Siyabonga will care! What was he expecting ? Hmm for me to just sit here and wait for him submissively ? Nxa uzabona khe leyo submissive rhaa!

I walk up the stairs and head straight to his room.I walked back to the bathroom and took the bottle of ibuprofens. I grab a black hoodie and walk back down stairs with the car keys in hand. I head to the kitchen for an Apple and a bottle of water. Argh these pains are getting worse!

I got in the car and drove to the gate again. After arguing with these guards and possibly scaring them with period talk they finally let me out and I drove to a garage and bought a pie. I ate and drank the water popping 2 more ibuprofens in my mouth. I checked my bank balance and took about R7000 which is enough to fly back to the US.

I drove to OR Tambo and got a flight that will leave in 2 hours. It was around 11 pm. I sent Calvin a message saying that I'll be gone for a while and I'd tell him when I'll be back.


Another update💋

Don't forget to vote and comment bathandwa😚

Lots of love from me to y'all💗💗

Stay safe
Stay blessed


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