Awkward Moments

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When I got back home, the time was 23:46 pm. I hadn't realized that I'd spend the so much time with Milicent.

When I got back to the house, I walked in and it was dark downstairs. I slowly walked upstairs, making sure not to make a sound.

"Ubuyile (your back)" I squeaked and turned. I let out a breath of relief when in saw that its just Sabelo.

"Yeah. I lost track of time"

"Mmm...." We stood in the silence

"Good night" he said and he turned and walked away

"Night?" I unlocked the door and got in, making sure to lock the door behind me. I was too tired to even bath so I just got undressed and slept after making sure that all my plastics were there.

**next day...

I chilled in my room the whole morning and decided to go out at 12 : 30 pm. I got up from bed, took all my necessities and left my room heading downstairs. In my mind I prayed for the guys to be gone because I can't handle the awkwardness.

I got downstairs and found Sabelo eating pizza watching soccer. "Your food's in the microwave and there's Apple juice in the fridge" he says without looking at me. "Thanks" I say and walk to the kitchen.

I head to the microwave and take the plate out. It's 3 slices of bacon and ham, 1 spicy chicken and some dunken nuggets from kfc I think. I take the food out and take a glass from the cupboard remembering which one they are in from last night. I rinse the glass and pour Apple juice inside.

I head to the living room and sit next to Sabelo, placing my juice on the coffee table. He hands me the remote and I change to Disney channel and Liv and Maddie is playing. This is what we used to do back in high school when I visited them. Either he or Siyaxola would change to Disney channel or give me the remote to do so.

We watched Liv and Maddie in silence until he broke it. "Yazi sisi ever since you left, things hadn't been the same."

"What do you mean ?" I ask already wanting this topic to end

"I mean, I'd change to Disney channel and watch abo Liv and Maddie like we are right now but it wouldn't be the same, I'd still feel your absence and yeah it was felt clearly ku bhuti wami (by my brother)" he says

"Sabelo-" I start

"I know he's the reason for your leaving but please sisi give him a chance, if he messes up this time I swear on my grandmother's grave I'll shoot him" Sabelo

"What in the! Haai Sabelo suthetha njalo (No Sabelo don't talk like that)" I say shocked

"I'm serious sisi (sis) I will shoot him straight in the heart and head" he says making hand motions and showing where he'll shoot

"Child! Please stop. Uphi yena uSiya (Where is Siya) ?" I ask

"Hes at work"

"And why are you not at work" I ask facing him

"Erh..uhm...i uh..took leave. Yes yes ngithathe ileave (I took leave)" he stutters

"Mmm hmmm and how long is this leave ?" I ask not believing him

"It's uh for uhm 2 no 3 uh weeks" he stutters unsure

"Suuuure" I say giving him a look

"Please don't look at me like that" he says looking away.

The door bell rings just as I'm about to speak

"Thank God. Saved by the bell" he mutters happily

"No your not. We will talk about this 'leave' you took" I say

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