Happy Birthday!

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I could feel a heavy weight on my back, shaking me and jumping on top of me. "Mmm mmm" I turned my head to the side, trying to hang onto sleep. I heard fits of giggles that confused me for a bit. Deciding that its just a figment of my imagination, I continued to try and salvage what's left of my sleep; keyword being try. The giggles continued and I, feeling annoyed, began patting over my hand near my back, trying to grab the said object and remove it.

I, in turn, got more giggles. After deciding to just wake up and deal with it, I turned onto my back and opened my eyes. "Belle what are you  doing up so ear-" wait "Belle! Oh my goodness baby!" I pulled her into my arms and began kissing her small face, I held her tightly in my arms, not wanting to let go as she giggled. "Mama pheza ngoku ,that tickles" her squeaky voice said. "Oh my child. My baby." I eventually let her go and held her at arm's length.

"You are so beautiful. Oh my goodness, how?" The question rang loud in my ear. She just giggled and smiled her toothless smile ever so widely, "Its our birthday" her smile still prominent on her face. "Oh right. How could I forget" I said and face palmed, trying to hide my smile. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Min'emndandi kuni, min'emnandi kuni, min'emnandi kuni, min'emnandi kuni." I kissed her whole face and her giggles just brought a warmth in my heart.

"Can we call uTata? It is his birthday too, right?" She said once she'd calmed down. "You are so smart" I playfully pinched her nose and turned over to the side, I reached for my phone. Trying to pull myself and my phone from the gravitational force was a workout. I settled on the bed and opened my phone. Belle crawled onto my lap, covering the phone. "Honey, I can't see when you cover everything okay"

She moved back and rested her head on my boobs. I pressed the call button and let it dial. I put the phone on speaker, the ringing sounded through the quiet room. The moon illuminated a beautiful light into the room, "Speak" his rough, raw voice sounded. My breath hitched in my throat as shivers ran down my back. "Haply birthday Tata!" Belle shouted. I heard some shuffling in the background. "Thank you my baby. And a happy birthday to you too cutie." She giggled and his her face in my breasts.

I couldn't help but laugh at the suddenly shy child. "Happy birthday Siyabonga" I said, my voice sounded like a mere whisper. "Thank you." He said. We were both quiet, just listening to the other's breathing. "Tata, please bring cake with you. Mommy said she'd buy it next year but I think I want it this year." Belle's sleepy voice said. She'd been rubbing her eyes quite often.

"Are you sleepy cutie?" He asked, "mmm mmm" she shook her head but her eyes kept closing. "Its okay little one, close your eyes. I'll be there when you wake up" he cooed. She threw her leg over my lap and wrapped her arm around my midsection, pushing herself onto me so that her head was on my breast. "How will you get here? Uyamazi umakhulu uba unjani." He sighed. "Don't you think she'll at least let me celebrate my daughter's birthday?" This was a bad time for my body to be acting so defiant. I cleared my throat a couple of times before answering. "I think she'll have to. It is your birthday after all." I tried sounding the least bit normal.

"Yeah. I'll ask uBaba to contact her, you should sleep." I nodded my head to his instruction, realising moments after that he can't see me so I muttered a "Mmm hmm". He let out a sigh. "Are you okay?" Worry laced in my voice. "Yeah, uh *sigh* Amanda is still missing and I just remembered that you haven't met my son." He truly sounded worried. "I can meet him today...if that's okay with you, that is. I don't wanna rush you into anything." He laughed a bit, "I think I should be the one to say that" we both laughed.

"Yeah, but I said it first." There was a pause, just us listening to one another's breaths. "I miss you" we simultaneously said and laughed soon after, his laugh always gave me butterflies but on that night, I had an entire zoo in my belly. "I don't wanna keep you up, it might be a busy day today." I said after yawning. "Yeah, you do sound sleepy." I just yawned in response. "Get comfortable, I'll talk you to sleep" he said.

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