The Arrival

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Hi my darling,

I know it's sudden and unexpected but we've got to talk.

It's serious

It's your father

Come home as soon as you can



I've been reading this email since I got it last Sunday evening. I wonder what's wrong with dad, he was okay the last time we spoke, even though it was 8 years ago. "Passengers please prepare to land" I shut my phone off, buckle my seatbelt and gather all my things into my handbag. I finally got time to take off from the hospital.

##1 hour later##

I've grabbed my luggage and I head out of OR Tambo International Airport. I hail a cab and after two pass me by, one finally stops. I open the door "Molo bhuti (good day sir)"

"Yebo sawubona sisi (yes hello ma'am)" I enter with my luggage.

##in the cab, after 30 minutes##

I've been staring at the guy driving this car, it's unintentional I just feel like I know him from somewhere, he looks familiar. Maybe I'm seeing things but he looks like one of the Mlandeni brothers, they used to be quite popular back in high school, the older one, Sphamandla was a dancer and his younger brother Phiwokuhle was really good with art.

I've got to make time- if I decide officially to come live back here, have a home here- to meet up with old friends, even though things were quite tense but meeting some old high school friends would be nice.

I'm gonna ask him

Fingers crossed it doesn't backfire.

"I don't mean to intrude but you look like an old friend of mine" I say breaking the silence and shuffling to the middle seat

"And which friend might that be?" He asks with a hint of amusement in his voice "Phiwokuhle?"

"And what if I am uPhiwo, what will you do next Crystal?" He laughs.

I look at him kinda shocked "Dude its you, like on the reals?" I chuckle in disbelief

"Yep it is me, and no this isn't my car, I'm helping my brother out"

"Oh wow" I couldn't believe it, at a total loss of words "I can't believe its you dude"

"Neither did i. I mean no one...absolutely no one thought your come back after what happened. Gotta text the gang, thatchu back!"

I won't be for long

"Yeah, i-i don't wanna talk about that" I say

"Oh uh of course. Sorry for bringing it up"

I could tell that he felt bad "No its cool. I just don't wanna ever remember that night. I mean it was supposed to be the best night of my high school life but it turned out to be the worst"

We got quiet after that. I settled into the seat comfortably and thought of everything. My mind whirling with anxiousness and nervousness. I hope to expect my dad not in a very bad state, but in case because you always have to be prepared, I've contacted oncologists, neurologists, cardiologists back in the US and I'm looking for specialists here in case his health is very delicate for transport.

I won't lie though, I'm happy to be going home, its due time and its a step closer for me, I finally get to see my baby brother whose now supposed to be doing grade 10 at Sunward park high school- I hope -the very school that brought me my best and worst times of my teen life.

2 and a half hours later, I finally get home, or what I used to call home. Now it's just a place I grew up in. Phiwokuhle parks right in front of the gate. "Well, we are here now" he says turning to me.

I keep quiet for a while staring out to the high as hell black gates on the otherwise of the door. "Anyways! Thank you for the drive and chat, hope to see you soon neh."

I grab my things and open the door "Yeah, hope to see you too. We should hang" I place my bags on the ground and close the door. I wave as he drives off.

He doesn't even have my numbers so there's no way of contacting each other unless we meet again.

I turn to the gate.

You can do this. *sigh* let's go

As i move to step forward, the gate buzzes and opens, I grab my things tightly and take a deep breath. I walkup the long driveway, they've fixed the fountain. I look around and damn! Things gave changed here. To think that I left with a broken heart 8 years ago and I'm finally returning- well not finally finally but finally.

I ring the doorbell and hear ululating? Oh..Kay so I was called, not for dad? I'm confused

The door opened

"Ahhh!!!!! Mama she's here, she's here she's finally here." And before I could comprehend what's happening, Lolo opened the door with the widest smile ever and she tugged me in the house. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh she's heeeeeeeeeeerrrrreeeeeee" she squeals

"Yes she's here, where's dad?" I look around.

My craziest cousin Millicent walked up to us "oh yay, here" she hands me a glass of red wine and in her other hand she had whiskey "Tell me if you need  more or something stronger because I can guarantee that you will. Haa!" She says worrying me

"Oh Kay what's that about?" I ask Lolo and before she could or avoid me, my mom came and dragged me to the living room.

So dad's in there?

Done, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, tell me your thoughts on it.

I've been thinking I should update on Mondays or Wednesday, if not on Fridays, what do you guys think?

Lots of love



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