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So uh. Do you guys ever just connect a wattpad account to an email that later gets deactivated due to inactivity because it was the email you created when you were literally 12 and then forget your password to the wattpad account but can't get back into it because you need your email to be able to restore the password but your email is deleted and then you have to send a ticket to wattpad and go through 10000 steps for them to verify that you're the owner of the account?


Yeah same. I'm aware that it's been 3 years. I got lazy and then wattpad kicked me out of the account and I didn't remember the password so I ended up procrastinating the issue for quite literally 2 years. I have no excuse other than that. I was planning on giving up on the story completely, but I recently got back into rewatching MLP and a wave of appledash shipping came back to me. So here I am, 21 years old and in university, feeling a little ridiculous continuing a story that I first created when I was 15 and in high school with no experience of writing whatsoever.

I don't know if people are reading anymore, but I want to finish what I started. I'll edit the old chapters a little first because wow, my writing was funny. I'll also try my best to reply to messages that have been sent to me while I was away, even though most of them probably aren't relevant anymore.

If anyone is reading this, thank you for your patience and I'm really sorry. Truly. I'll finish this, I promise.

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