Chapter 15: Truth or Dare?

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Chapter 15: Truth or Dare?

"Truth or dare, Twilight?"

"Truth, I guess."

The group had been playing for approximately 10 minutes and so far only Pinkie Pie and Rarity had gotten their turns. Applejack was too busy fidgetting with her fingers to focus on the actual gameplay.

"Who has the most fabulous hair?"

"Uh... you?" Twilight answered sheepishly.

"Correct!" Rarity clapped her hands together.

Whew. So far, so good.


...Or not.

"Uh- yes, Twilight?"

"Truth or dare?"

Applejack thought for a while. Which one would have least amount of consequences? After a while of pondering, she realized that dare would be a far better choice considering how many secrets she had that were yet to be told.

"Dare," she answered, attempting to sound confident with her choice.

Twilight seem to think for a while before her face lit up. "Okay, I dare you to hug Rainbow Dash." She smiled innocently at her.

Well okay, that's not too bad.

Applejack looked up to stare at the girl sitting across from her. Rainbow Dash looked... bored. In fact, she looked like she was bored to the point of not even paying attention. The blonde sighed as she stood up and made her way over to the unattentive girl. Rainbow looked up at her with slight surprise before shooting her a quick glare, hoping that none of the other girls noticed it.

"Can I help you?" she sneered. Applejack frowned.

"Have ya not been payin' attention?"

"Course I have!"

Applejack raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe I dozed off for a second or two... but yeah whatever! What do you want?"


Rainbow Dash blinked at her.


She received a strong pair of arms wrapping themselves around her as a reply. The girl blinked in surprise, realizing that an uncomfortable silence had been spread around every corner of the room. She could feel Applejack's cheek brush lightly against her neck, as she leaned into her ear.

"I was dared to hug you, Rainbow," she whispered quietly. Rainbow felt a shiver make its way up her spine as the blonde breathed into her ear and suddenly, planted a soft kiss on the crook of her neck.

Rainbow Dash completely lost the ability to speak.

A few seconds passed before Applejack finally pulled away, staring into Rainbow Dash's wide eyes. She brought her fingers up and snapped them a couple of times in front of the girl's face, giggling when she received no response.

"Anyone home?"

"W- what the hell are you doing!?" Rainbow Dash brought her hand up to her neck and pressed it on the spot where the blonde's lips had touched. A light tint of pink could be seen on her cheeks as she hurriedly glanced around the quiet room. The other girls stared at them in awe.

"That was sweet," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"What?" Rainbowdash's eyes widened. She blinked up at Applejack, who winked back at her.

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