Chapter 19: Guilt

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Chapter 19: Guilt

Awareness came to Applejack slowly a few hours later. She knew she'd woken up before she actually opened her eyes, but the bed was so comfortable that she had no intention of getting up. Groaning quietly, she opened her eyes slightly and peered at the ceiling. It was painted in a beautiful blue color, like the sky on a sunny day.

. . .

Wait– blue!?

Applejack immediately jumped up and looked around. This was... Rainbow Dash's room!?

"What in tarnation!?" she let out, unable to stop herself.

"Ugh..." Applejack froze for a moment, eyes wide. When she finally gathered the courage, she slowly looked down on the person that had been sleeping next to her. "R-rainbow!?" She managed, looking as red as an apple. "What on earth are you doing here!?"

Rainbow Dash groaned and rolled over, opening an eye slightly to look up at the blonde. "Applejack, in case you didn't already notice, you're in my room," she replied quietly.

"I- I know that!" Applejack flushed. "I meant, why on earth am I here with you next to me!?" Rainbow furrowed her brows and let, yet another, groan escape her lips. This time, it was even louder than the previous.

"Will you quiet down? It's like 2 in the morning. Go back to sleep," she whispered before turning her back on the stunned girl.

Applejack shot a glance at the clock. It was, indeed, like 2 in the morning. 2:08am, to be exact. She hesitated for a bit before finally lowering herself back down on the bed with a quiet sigh. She blinked at the ceiling, feeling more awake than ever.

"...When did I fall asleep?" She asked finally, hoping the girl was still awake.

Rainbow Dash remained still for a whole minute before finally turning over to stare at the green-eyed girl. She frowned.

"I don't know, Applejack. Just go back to sleep." And with that, she closed her eyes again. "We'll talk in the morning," she mumbled.

Applejack watched as her chest rose and fell slowly. She hadn't been this confused in, well, forever. First of all, when did she fall asleep? And how the hell did she end up in Rainbow's bed with her!? She tapped her finger impatiently on the bedsheets. There was absolutely no way she would be able to fall back asleep in this situation. Her family was probably worried sick and searching all over for her. She felt extremely guilty as the events of the previous day displayed in her head. How she had turned down Adam, and practically thrown her whole family out on the streets with no money. Their last chance to save themselves had been in her hands, but she completely ruined everything.

The blonde suddenly felt extremely sick from the guilt. She quickly rose to her feet and swung the door open, following the wall with her hand to get to the bathroom in the darkness. Her other hand was firmly placed over her mouth until she finally reached the toilet and fell to her knees, head disappearing behind the seat. She started gagging and before she knew it, she was throwing up. The green-eyed girl could almost feel her organs attempt to escape her body as she couldn't seem to stop herself from coughing. Tears quickly formed in her eyes and made their way down her cheeks and for a second, Applejack was almost positive that she was going to pass out. But thankfully, the gagging and throwing up stopped after a minute and the girl could finally bring herself to breathe properly.

"Applejack! Are you okay!?" Rainbow Dash rushed to her side and grabbed onto the panting girl's shoulders, turning her body around to face her.

Applejack tiredly wiped her mouth with her sleeve and let her gaze fall to the floor. Rainbow stared at her, immediately noticing that the girl was crying. She wasn't sure if it was just a side effect of throwing up or if the blonde was actually sad, but she pulled her close anyway and stroked her back lightly. "It's okay," she whispered.

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