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Rainbow Dash always knew that time flew by faster than expected. She'd always been aware of how fast minutes can turn into hours, which turns into days, which turns into years. Moments that felt like just a few days ago were suddenly several years in the past.

What Rainbow hadn't known, however, was that time passed even faster when you had someone you loved and cared for right by your side at all times.

It had now been 8 years since she graduated alongside her favorite people on this planet. It had been an amazing day; even her parents had come to watch the ceremony. Of course, Pinkie Pie had thrown a huge party the very same evening, and Rainbow Dash had taken that opportunity to introduce her girlfriend of a year to her family. And just as promised, they had loved her. Honestly even more than Rainbow had anticipated, but that was just a good thing.

Applejack's family had, with the help of her loving friends and years of hard work, managed to get back on track in their business; not to mention that Rainbow's parents had shown their own support by regularly ordering from the farm. At first, the apple family had insisted they take the orders for free, but they'd eventually given up after realizing how incredibly stubborn the couple was. Applejack figured it was a quality that ran in the family.

Now, at 26 years old, they'd only recently taken the huge step of moving in together. Applejack had been the one to struggle with the decision, having not wanted to move away from her family, but they'd all encouraged her to get out and enjoy her own life for once. It took a good few years of nagging, but she'd finally given in.

The past few days had been extremely stressful – the two girls had done nothing but travel back and forth countless times between their current residentials and the new house, trying to get as many things into place as possible. Although Rainbow had been very tired, she could tell that Applejack had been feeling even worse. In an attempt to cheer her up, she'd promised to do something special for her the day they finally settled in.

And that day was today; it was the first night they got to spend in the house sleeping properly next to one another on their new double bed.

Rainbow glanced over to study Applejack's profile as the exhausted girl sighed loudly.

"You feeling okay?" she asked her with a small smile.

"Uh-huh," Applejack replied, not even bothering to sound convincing.

Rainbow turned to lay her side, resting her head comfortably on an arm. She brought her other hand up to brush it softly through the blonde strands. Applejack turned to gaze back at her. She smiled.

"I'm okay, really. Jus' need some time to get used to things," she said, and Rainbow nodded understandingly.

"I'm taking you somewhere tomorrow," she said suddenly.

Applejack quirked a surprised eyebrow at the statement.

"What for?" she questioned.

"I told you I'd do something special once we moved in," Rainbow Dash answered, hand still detangling the bright hair in a comforting manner. Applejack let her eyes fall shut.

"Right..." she said softly. "Where ya takin' me then?"

Rainbow grinned playfully at her.

"You'll see."

"Why do I have to wear this again?" Applejack asked irritably as she poked on the blindfold.

"Because it's a surprise, duh," Rainbow answered easily, followed by a snicker. She tightened her grip on the pale arm. "Don't worry, AJ. We're almost there," she added.

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