Chapter 9: Explanation

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Chapter 9: Explanation

"There's definitely something going on between those two."

Rarity sat quietly, swirling her straw around the half-filled cup of melted strawberry milkshake.

"Yeah. They're both acting very strange and oddly defensive," Twilight said in agreement. "But Applejack said she didn't know what's wrong, and she never lies."

The four girls sat silently, deep in thoughts.

"Maybe it was a white lie?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Maybe." Twilight shrugged. "But still, they fight often and it's not like them to act so strange and secretive." Rarity looked up from her smoothie.

"I agree. They both seem to be very... well, sensitive, I suppose," she said, sounding uncertain with her choice of words.

"It's kind of scary..." Fluttershy whispered. "What do we do?"

Twilight seemed to be thinking before letting out a deep sigh, shrugging once again.

"Maybe we should give them time. Neither of them seem to be happy with us trying to help. Let's give them a few days."

The three girls blinked at her for a few seconds before finally making up their minds, nodding in understandment.

"Stupid, annoying, ignorant, selfish, careless little-"

"Rainbow Dash."

The rainbow haired girl froze in her tracks, eyes growing wide. She didn't have to think twice about who it was standing behind her. That voice was far too familiar.

"... Applejack." Rainbow pulled herself together, not even bothering to turn around as she spoke. "What do you want?"

"To explain myself."

Rainbowdash let out a dry chuckle, to which the blonde raised an eyebrow at.

"Sure, I've been looking forward to hearing your stupid excuses," she spat, voice filled with sarcasm. Applejack furrowed her brows.

"Will ya just listen to me? For a moment?" she begged.

Rainbow Dash looked up to the sky, thinking for a moment.

"Sometimes, I wish I lived in Equestria. I'd have wings to fly away from all your bullshi-"


Rainbow Dash looked up to the sky, thinking for a moment.


Rainbow sighed as she turned her head to the side just enough to catch a glimpse of blonde hair dancing along with the wind.

"Fine. Talk then."

Applejack took a cautious step forward, leaning to the side slightly in attempt to catch the magenta eyes in her own. Rainbow Dash huffed and quickly turned her head in the opposite direction.

"Are you going to speak up or not?" her voice was slightly raised. Applejack sighed.

"Listen Rainbow, I'm sorry," she started, not completely sure where she was getting at. "Is hard right now. With work, school and family and all. I can't keep up. I needed a break." Rainbow Dash once again, let out a dry chuckle, sounding slightly offended this time.

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