Chapter 18: Shocked Soarin

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Chapter 18: Shocked Soarin

"Can I ask you something?"

Rainbow Dash shifted her gaze up from her food to stare at the boy sitting in front of her. She nodded. "Sure, what's up?"

Soarin propped his forearms up on the table and leaned forward. He stared at her intensely as she picked up her cup and brought it to her lips, taking a small sip of the liquid.

"Would you ever be able to date a friend?"

Rainbow Dash spit out her water and started coughing at the sudden question. She quickly collected herself and stared back at the boy.

"Uh, well..." she started, but stopped in her tracks to actually consider her reply. The first reply that had come to her mind was a firm 'no', but that quickly changed when she realized that Applejack was, indeed, one of her friends. And a very close one at that. She shifted in her seat. "Yeah, I guess I would."

Soarin beamed at her.

"Why?" She asked curiously. He shook his head quickly.

"Just curious," he replied.

"Oh, uh... Alright then."

Rainbow Dash quietly proceeded to go back to eating her food, feeling slightly more uncomfortable this time around. A few seconds passed until the girl finally had enough.

"Okay Soarin, seriously, why on earth are you staring at me like that?" She snapped, eyebrow raised.

"Oh– uh, sorry!" He replied hurriedly. "I just..." Rainbow watched as the corner of his mouth curled up slightly. "You're really pretty, you know that?"

Rainbow's second eyebrow rose up to meet her first one.

"Ah, sorry, that was really random, wasn't it?" He chuckled dryly as he brought his hand up and scratched at the back of his head.

"Uh yeah, it was. But thanks, I guess..." Rainbow replied awkwardly. She stared down at her food that oddly enough, wasn't looking even nearly as interesting as it had a couple of minutes ago. She cleared her throat and stood up from the chair.

"Um, thanks for the meal and all that but I should really get going now. I- uh, have some stuff to get done. You know... unfinished business and all." She gestured towards the door with a nervous laugh, still feeling far too uncomfortable around the boy.

"Wait!" Soarin quickly rose to his feet. "I wanted to tell you something..."

Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly to face him. She forced a smile. "What is it?"

He walked over to grab her wrist and pull her closer. Rainbow instantly froze and Soarin took this chance to wrap his arms around her waist and close the distance between them. He smiled down at her and started stroking small circles on her lower back.

"I like you, Rainbow." His smile widened as he leaned down until their faces were only a few inches apart. "A lot. And I'm surprised your friend realized that before you did."

Rainbow Dash stood still as she allowed her brain to slowly wrap itself around the whole situation. She placed the palm of her hand on Soarin's shoulder and lightly pushed back.

"That's.. good to know..." she laughed dryly, shifting her eyes away from the boy. "But I really have to go, Soarin."

He stared at her quietly before leaning in and giving her a quick peck on her cheek. Her eyes widened as she stared at him in disbelief. He chuckled.

"Your eyes are beautiful," he whispered. Rainbow Dash attempted to back away, but his embrace was too strong. "So is your hair."

"Okay Soarin, enough messing around," she laughed nervously again, pressing her hand even harder in an attempt to shove him back. However, the only response she received from doing this was a tight grip around her wrist as he held her hand back and squeezed it lightly.

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