Chapter 21: White Lies

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Chapter 21: White Lies

Applejack laughed nervously.

"Lucky? I dunno what ya talkin' about.." she coughed.

"Don't be silly!" Apple Bloom stared up at the older girl, eyes filled with determination. "Any guy who manages to get you to fall for him must be super lucky."

"And handsome at that!" Granny Smith added, nudging the green-eyed girl jokingly with a wide grin.

"Yup," MacIntosh added, nodding approvingly. Applejack visibly wrinkled her nose and awkwardly scratched at the back of her head.

"I– uhh... well.. thing is.. uh," she stuttered, apparently trying to come up with a reply that wouldn't cause a scene. The three stared at her expectantly, and she gulped. "Well..." she trailed off again.

"Come on, Applejack! Tell us! Who is it? Do we know him?" Apple Bloom's eyes sparked as she blinked several times in a row.

"Well, yes," she replied sheepishly.

"Is he nice?"



"Well, yeah."




"I— uh, guess so.."


"For the most part... I think."


"Oh, yes."

"Good looking?"


Apple Bloom gasped.

"He's perfect!" She jumped up and down in excitement, bringing her hands together with the widest grin spread across her face. "Who is it? Who is it?" she repeated excitedly, several times.

"Uh..." Applejack struggled as her sister guessed, blurting out all different kinds of names possible.

"Oh god, it's not Adam's brother, is it?" She wrinkled her nose up in disapproval.

"Wha- no!" Applejack replied hurriedly, not being aware of the fact that he even had a brother until now.

"Then who!?" Apple Bloom grunted. "I've mentioned everyone we know, there's no one left! Are you sure we know him?"

"Now Apple Bloom, calm down," Granny Smith placed a hand to rest on the young girl's shoulder.

"But I'm curious!" she responded desperately.

"Thing is.. I, uh, well.." Applejack cleared her throat. "I've been meanin' to tell y'all this for a while now but I've just.. been afraid, I guess..."

The three gazes fell on the blonde, silently waiting for her to proceed.


"Applejack, darling! Oh how glad I am to see you back!" Rarity skipped her way up to the girl, followed by four other familiar faces. "We were all so worried when we heard you were missing. Rainbow Dash told us you were back and we simply had to come check on you!"

Applejack blinked at them.

"Applejack, why didn't you tell us? We would have helped if we knew." Twilight came up behind the purple-haired girl with a sad smile. Applejack tilted her head in confusion.

"Wait, what are ya talkin' about, Twilight?"

She noticed how her friends exchanged nervous glances and kept studying them for a while, waiting for a reply.

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