I'm sorry

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Uh hi old friends.

It's been literally 2 years since I updated this fanfic and to be fully honest, I forgot about it completely. But the other day I had a dream about it and it just hit me that this actually existed and I did so much research (you have no idea) to get into this account again.

And I read through all my chapters.

And I'm so embarrassed.

There are so many grammatical and spelling errors and I'm just cringing so hard at them! I'll go back and fix them all as soon as I get the chance to. I actually originally just wanted to make this chapter to tell everyone I'm sorry that I never continued with this fic, just to not leave you hanging. But I read through some comments that were posted pretty recently and I thought that mayyybbee there are still some people out there, waiting for this to be updated.

Idk? I would love to update this if anyone wants me to, though I don't really remember where I was going with the story so I'd just have to work with what I have and come up with a new plot, I suppose. But I promise I'm a better writer now!

Anyway, please leave a comment and let me know if there's actually anyone out there wanting me to update. I have a lot of free time on my hands :)

- Alice

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