Chapter 28: Unspoken Words

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A/N: Alright listen. I was absent for 3 years and now suddenly, wattpad is SHOWERING me with ads. Is the whole premium thing a new feature or do I just have the memory of a dead goldfish?

Chapter 28: Unspoken Words

Both girls were late the following morning. Rainbow had argued to stay home, but Applejack insisted that it would be suspicious if neither of them showed up without notice. She was sure that Rainbow had grumpily muttered 'so much for screwing school' at least twenty times under her breath before the two finally left the house together.

They earned several suspicious glances upon arrival, especially coming from the direction of their four best friends, and as Applejack took a seat she could've sworn she saw Pinke Pie raise a suggestive eyebrow at her before turning her head back to the teacher with a knowing grin plastered across her features.

Applejack pulled her hat down slightly to cover the pink shade making itself present on her cheeks.

That damn Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie had launched her arms around Applejack and Rainbow Dash the moment class was dismissed.

"So when's the party?" she asked with a huge smile.

"What party?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at her.

"Celebrating a new big step in your relationship, duh!" Pinkie giggled.

Rainbow Dash's gaze traveled back and forth between the blonde's flushed face and the pink-haired girl's smile stretching from ear to ear.

"What step?" she asked with a frown.

Applejack groaned, and Pinkie's already impressively huge grin got even wider.

"What are you talk-" Rainbow started before realization hit her like a truck. She snapped her jaw shut and her cheeks reddened within seconds.

"Hi girls!" Twilight beamed as she practically skipped her way to them, followed by a happy Rarity and smiling Fluttershy. She opened her mouth to say something else but took note of the flushed state of the two girls stuck under the strong pink arms.

"Uh, are we interrupting something?" she asked.

Pinkie Pie beamed at them.

"Nope, definitely not! Actually, it's good that you're all here. You see, we were just talking about Applejack and Dashie's party," she explained while practically vibrating with excitement.

"Applejack and Rainbow's party? What for?" Rarity asked.

"Weellll... It just so happens that they-"

Rainbow Dash's hand found their way to Pinkie's mouth in an instant. She laughed nervously.

"Are dating," she said. "So we want to celebrate. Us officially dating, I mean. Right, Pinkie?" Rainbow asked with a stiff smile, her eyes staring daggers into the pink-haired girl.


"That's right!" Applejack exclaimed, joining in on the nervous laughter.

The three girls stared at them blankly.

"You want to throw a party... For that?" Twilight asked slowly.

"Yup!" Applejack answered quickly. So quickly in fact, that the girl had almost not even managed to finish her question. "Why? Somethin' wrong with that?" she added casually.

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