Chapter 17: Change of Plans

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A/N: wow guys look, two chapters posted in one day! I'm on a roll again!

Chapter 17: Change of Plans

Applejack shoved Adam to the side and glared at him.

"What in heaven's name is wrong with you!?" she snapped.

"Oh come on, don't you wanna have a little fun? It is a party to celebrate our engagement after all." He smirked at her and reached to grab her arm, pulling her into an embrace as he started to stroke her back seductively.

He stared down at her with a grin, but only seconds later, it was replaced with a look of anger.

"Why are you not wearing your ring?" He asked. Applejack followed his gaze to meet her left hand where she, indeed, was not wearing a ring. "This is an engagement party, the ring is the most important part of your outfit!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Well sorry, I don't have an eye for fashion anyway."

Adam looked mortified. The blonde decided to take this chance to slither away from his hold and walk over to the door. She turned around and leaned back against it. "Are you sure Rainbow Dash was here?"

"Yes! How else would I know her name?"

"I dunno.. just think it's weird how she disappeared without notice. It's really unlike her."

"I thought you didn't want to see her anyway," Adam replied with a sly smile.

"What? I never said that," Applejack answered quickly, sounding defensive.

"But it was obvious, honey."

Applejack cringed.

"I'm going downstairs." She opened the door and was just about to make her exit, before a strong hand suddenly slammed against it, causing it to close again. Applejack jumped around quickly to stare at the man above her.

"No you're not," he replied, voice deep.

"Adam, let me go." Applejack squinted her eyes at him. He snickered.

"Or what? There's nothing you can do, Applejack. Your entire family's lives rests in my hands. I'm your only hope," he stared into the emerald eyes and Applejack was almost certain that she could see a red flame burning behind those blue orbs. She remained silent as he brought his hand up to lift up her face and started stroking it affectionately.

"So, Applejack," he started. "I've heard you're very honest."

She glared at him, still not saying anything as he slowly started brushing her hair back behind her shoulder.

"I like honesty." Applejack's eyes widened with fear as she saw the older man lick his lips hungrily. "It's very attractive."

He moved his hand down and placed it by her waist and started leaning down to kiss the girl. Applejack attempted to become one with the door before quickly lifting her hands up in defense.

"B-back off!" She stuttered.

Adam stared at her, looking surprised, before breaking out into laughter.

"Applejack, my dear, there is no need to be shy. We'll be doing this quite often from now on so you better just get used to it."

Applejack gulped loudly as she felt a hand slithering it's way down her back. She felt helpless, unsafe, afraid. Because she knew that she couldn't do anything to defend herself. She knew that she had to accept this, for her family's sake. For her own sake.

She allowed her eyes to fall down, making eye contact with the floor.

"What? You don't like this?"

He leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"You don't like me?"

"Like hell I do!" She hissed, unable to keep it to herself. She slapped his hand away and shoved him back once again, before turning to open the door and run outside. She had just reached the bottom of the staircase when a voice called out for her.

"Applejack, there ya are!" Granny Smith walked towards her. "The guests have been waiting to meet ya."

Applejack stared at her before her green eyes adverted back to the top of the staircase, only to be greeted with Adam's blue ones. He smirked at her and slowly made his way down to stand by her side. He cleared his throat, easily gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"Everyone, meet my fiancée, Applejack." He smiled brightly as the room erupted with claps and cheers. He then proceeded to slip his hand around the blonde's waist, pulling her closer, smile widening.

Applejack stood, her whole body trembling with anger and disgust, when a woman walked up to shake her hand.

"Applejack, you are very lucky to be with Adam. He is a great man, you see." She smiled. "Girls would kill to be in your spot!"

Applejack didn't reply as another woman came up to join them.

"Oh I agree! Adam is the nicest, most generous man there is. And not to mention, very charming!" She laughed and winked at Adam jokingly. "You'll never find someone as good as him."

Applejack could feel her anger building up as all the noise in the room erupted into nothing but words of blabber. Everyone seemed to feel the need to come up and tell her how "amazing" and "great" Adam was and it was driving her insane.

And before she knew it, she was acting on her own.

"You know what!? You're wrong! All of you!" She snapped finally, shoving Adam off for the third time that day.

Shocked gasps could be heard around the room, followed by a silence. Applejack seemed to have gotten her senses back as her eyes widened and she quickly opened her mouth in attempt to explain herself.

"I mean— I uh... He's, uh.." she stuttered, before her eyes glanced over and met Granny Smith's sad face.

Applejack shifted her gaze to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," she admitted.

More shocked gasps.

"Why?" An older woman in the back raised her voice questionally.

"I just..." Applejack started, but quickly shut herself up. The room started filling up with whispers as a hand grabbed the blonde's shoulder and shoved her back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Adam nearly shouted at her.

"I'm just bein' honest, I can't do this! I can't marry you!" She replied, voice filled with frustration. She then turned around to face the crowd.

"I'm sorry y'all, I really can't." She inhaled deeply. "I'm in love with someone else."

Even more shocked gasps.

Applejack shoved her way through the crowd to the door. She needed to see Rainbow Dash.

A/N: pretty short chappie compared to my usual but hey, at least it's something!

ily all<3

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