Chapter 7: Silence

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Chapter 7: Silence


Applejack looked down to see Rainbow on the ground. She smiled slightly.

"Hey Rainbow. I'm mighty sorry for bumpin' into ya, are y'all alright?" she said and reached her hand out to help the girl up. Rainbow stared at it for a while before looking up and shooting her a dirty look. She got up by herself and walked right past the blonde girl without a word.

"It's lovely to have you back!" Rarity said with a happy voice. Applejack smiled.

"It's good ta be back, I missed y'all a lot."

The girls smiled back at her.

"We missed you too," Fluttershy said.

"Like, A LOT!" Pinkie added. The girls laughed at her. After a few moments of catching up, Twilight decided to change the subject to a more serious one.

"So, have you heard anything about Rainbow Dash lately?" Applejack looked at the purple-haired girl.

"...What about her?" she asked.

"She's been acting pretty strange lately," she answered with a sigh. "She won't tell us what's going on, no matter what we do. Do you know anything about this?" Applejack froze for a while. She didn't want to lie to them, but she couldn't tell them the truth. She knew that they would be disappointed in her, so instead, she just said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Uhmm... Well... I saw her before but she didn't really say anything ta me," she said nervously, even though she had a good clue of what was going on. At least she didn't lie about it.

"Oh... We were hoping that you knew something since it all started when you left. We figured that she just really missed you, but I guess we were wrong," Fluttershy said in disappointment. Applejack felt uncomfortable because she knew very well that it had something to do with her. So she just sat there in silence as the conversation drifted to other topics.

A/N: Aaand this is officially the shortest chapter I've ever published but I hope you're okay with it.

I'll try to update when I get the chance to. Please leave a comment or something, it means a lot to me<3

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