Chapter 5: Saturday Sadness

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A/N: I'm so happy rn because I just realized that we reached 100 reads! When I first started off  I honestly didn't know I would reach that much, I thought I would reach like 20, so thank you! :)

Chapter 5: Saturday Sadness


Rainbow Dash's eyes shot open at the loud noise. She curled up like a ball in her blanket and covered her ears with her hands, waiting for the sound to end. But it didn't.

"Ugh... Who the hell is calling me this early on a Saturday?!" she complained to herself as she grumpily sat up and grabbed her phone.


"Oh, good morning Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow heard the familiar voice and recognized it immediately.

"Twilight? Why on earth are you calling me this early?" Rainbow yawned.

"Because I wanted to invite you. Me and the girls are having a picknick later today!" Rainbow could hear the excitment in the girl's voice. There was a moment of silence, Rainbow Dash not registering that the other was waiting for a reply, and almost falling back asleep with the phone in her hand.

"Sooo... Are you coming or what?"

"Pass." Rainbow quickly hung up and put the phone back down. Then, she went back to sleep.

It felt like she had slept for 5 seconds when something else woke her up. There was a loud knocking on her door. Rainbow Dash quickly shot up, hair all over her face, hands digging into her sheets as she threw them off her body.

"Can't I sleep peacefully for once?!" She stood up and stomped downstairs so aggressively, it felt like the floor was going to crack and swallow her whole. When she finally reached the front door, she threw it open with pure anger, and without actually looking who it was, she shouted, "What the hell do you want?!"

She looked up. There in front of her was her four friends. They just stood there and stared at her in silence, Pinkie Pie's balloon slipping out of her grasp and getting lost somewhere in the sky. Rainbow couldn't really tell if they were scared or just very suprised.

"So? SPEAK!" she shouted at the lack of reply.

"Uhm... Suprise?" Pinkie Pie said awkwardly. Rainbow stared at them with a mix of confusion and annoyance. Twilight cleared her throat.

"When you denied our invite, we began to worry. You've been acting really weird lately, and the least we could do is try to cheer you up. So we came here and decided to have the picnic outside your house. That way, you wouldn't have to come to us," she explained.

"Oh yeah? Well sure, go ahead and have your picnic here! I'll be inside, sleeping!" She slammed the door shut. As she was about to stomp back up to her room, she heard Rarity speak up.

"Darling, what's wrong? You've seemed so stressed lately. You can tell us, we're your friends!"

Rainbow Dash didn't answer, but she remained by the door in silence.

"...I don't think she heard you," Fluttershy said eventually.

"Maybe it has something to do with Applejack?" Pinkie started. "I mean, it did start when Applejack left." Rainbowdash's eyes widened at the name. She quickly covered her ears with her hands and started shouting.


It became quiet on the other side of the door. Rainbow stopped shouting and stood in her house awkwardly. She was starting to think the girls had left, but then she heard a voice from the other side once again.

"...Maybe she's just stressed out because Applejack isn't here with her. They are very close friends after all," Fluttershy said, almost too quiet for Rainbow to hear.

"Yeah. She probably just misses Applejack. Maybe we should leave her alone for now," Twilight replied. And then she heard them walk away. Rainbow sighed and walked back upstairs. When she tried to fall back asleep, she found it impossible.

"Great. Now I can't stop thinking about Applejack." She felt like crying, but of course, she didn't do it. She wasn't about to cry, she just FELT like doing it. Huge difference.

After a few minutes of continuous failed attempts to fall asleep, she grabbed her phone in defeat. She scrolled through her contacts and her eyes stopped at one specific name.


She took a deep breath and clicked on "call contact". A few seconds passed, and then she heard the voicemail. Rainbow sighed and hung up.

"First, she ignores me. Then, she tells me I'm not the one she's looking for. Then she disappears without telling me, and now, she's ignoring my calls too? Great."

A/N: Okay. So, I didn't really know what to write in this one so it's not as long as my other chapters are, but I have big plans coming up in the next few chapters. I want to tell you so badly, but I guess it'll have to wait.


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