Chapter 1: Realization

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Chapter 1: Realization


Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably on the edge of her bed. The loud yet familiar tone from the alarm on her blue nightstand triggered an itching urge for her to scream – a desperate attempt to overpower the annoying noise – but since it was early morning, she was way too tired, and just the thought of opening her mouth was enough to leave her panting in exhaustion. Instead, she decided to be a functional human being and simply sat up to turn it off. With a heavy sigh, she planted her head right back down on her fluffy pillow where it belonged. So much for a functional human being.

"Another morning. Just like every other morning," she complained to herself, followed by a huge yawn.

It took her what felt like five business days before she finally gathered enough energy to get up and get ready for school.

Rainbow Dash walked into the classroom and was greeted by her five friends: Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Applejack. The last name made her grin widely. She took her seat and turned around, facing Applejack and the other girls.

"Hey," she said simply, traces of the grin still visible.

She noticed Applejack opening her mouth to reply, but the blonde was quickly interrupted by the sound of the classroom door opening. Rainbow Dash turned around and spotted the teacher trotting her way to the front of the classroom. She veered around once again and shot Applejack a quick smile before turning back, facing the teacher.

Class was over and the students started packing up their books and heading to their lockers. As Applejack stood up to do the same, she noticed how a quick movement was heading right towards her head. She instinctively looked up and caught the ball that was aiming straight at her face with ease.

"Nice catch!" she heard a familiar voice yelling, and she knew exactly who it was.

Applejack let the soccer ball rest under her foot as she glanced up at Rainbow Dash. The girl had a small smirk on her face.

"Very funny, Rainbow. I could've gotten hurt, ya know?" AJ said with a slightly annoyed tone. She passed the ball back to the girl in front of her.

"But you didn't." Rainbow's smirk grew wider as she picked it up.

Applejack rolled her eyes as she grabbed her stuff, aiming for the door. The two girls walked out of the classroom together, not really paying any attention to the other four walking behind them. As the six girls got to their lockers and put their bags in, Rainbow quickly checked the time.

"9 am. Next class doesn't start until 9:30. What should we do in the meantime?"

The girls exchanged glances. Pinkie Pie almost immediately started jumping up and down in excitement, which could only mean one thing: she had an idea. A ridiculous one at that.

"I know! What about we bring balloons and blow them up so that they fill up the whole school! Then we'll have a balloon school and that never existed before so we'll be the first one to have one and our school will get really super duper popular and then we can throw a p-"

"Um no Pinkie, I don't think we should." Fluttershy surprisingly managed to cut her off with her low voice.

"Awww... But at least a par-"

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