Chapter 20: Endless Questions

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Chapter 20: Endless Questions

"Rainbow Dash?"


It was still too early in the morning for the two girls to get up so with very limited options, they decided to go back to bed and attempt to fall back asleep. As expected, it wasn't working for either of the girls as they both lay silently and stared absently up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry."

Rainbow turned her head to the side to stare questionably at the blonde laying next to her. "For what?"

"For everythin'." Applejack kept her gaze at the ceiling as she spoke, fully aware of the magenta eyes drilling into her.

"What do you mean?"

"Ya know.. for hurtin' you so many times and constantly pushin' you away. I've been treating you so bad lately," she mumbled in response as she sighed. Rainbow Dash had now fully turned her body to face Applejack, her hands folded and placed comfortably under the side of her head.

"It's cool."

"No, Rainbow, it's not. I was acting terrible."

"But you didn't really have a choice, did you?"

Applejack finally decided to turn her head to the side to face the girl. She studied her carefully. How her big magenta eyes were staring right into her green ones, how her soft rainbow-colored hair was falling neatly by her sides, and how her long eyelashes opened and closed like a butterfly's wings every time she blinked.

"You're beautiful," she whispered.

"W-what?" Rainbow Dash looked taken aback by the sudden unexpected compliment.

"I said you're beautiful," Applejack repeated. She noticed how a light shade of pink crept onto the girl's cheeks.

"Oh.. uh, t-thank you, I guess... You are too," she mumbled awkwardly. Applejack snickered at her loss of words.

"Really now?" She asked teasingly as her lip curled up into a small smile. Well actually, more like a smirk. She started laughing even more as the girl began nodding vigorously.

"You're so flustered. Has nobody told you that you're beautiful before?"

Rainbowdash's mind briefly repeated the scene at Soarin's place but she managed to ignore it surprisingly well as she replied.

"Well yeah, it's just that this time it's you."

"Didn't expect that comin' from me?" Applejack asked, mostly out of curiosity.

"Y-yeah... It's just, I don't know, we've been friends for a long time, and now that we're suddenly here and you're telling me that, it's just..." she trailed off, trying to find a good way of explaining it. "I don't know... it's really unexpected and, well, kinda weird." She nervously cleared her throat before her eyes widened a bit. "I mean- in a good way, of course!" She added quickly. Applejack continued to eye her silently as her grin grew even wider.

"I've always thought you were beautiful. I've just never come around to say it til' now," she said, to which Rainbow Dash gave her an even more surprised look than the previous.

"You've always thought so?"

"Yeah. But you look even better up close." Applejack watched proudly as the pink-eyed girl's blush made its way all the way up to her ears. She was so embarrassed, it was adorable. So Applejack decided to take this even further. She crooked an eyebrow at her, a tiny smirk making its appearance, as she brought a hand up to stroke the girl's cheek. Rainbow literally jumped, startled by the touch. She furrowed her brows as her blush deepened.

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