Chapter 30: Get-together

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A/N: I'll be honest with you, this fanfiction is getting close to its end. It's been ongoing for years now so I really don't want to drag it out for any longer than necessary. It's sad but all good things come to an end eventually. But hey, at least it won't be my last fanfic :)

Chapter 30: Get-together

Rainbow Dash woke up to an empty spot beside her. She turned to glance at the time.

7:14 am

Oh, good. It's still early. That meant more sleep. She sighed in relief as she pulled the blanket up and nuzzled her head back into the pillow. It smelled distinctly of Applejack, and the warmth of it immediately sent shivers down her spine as she smiled. What a warm and comfortable morn-


Rainbow fell off the bed.

"Oops. You, uh... You okay there?" Apple Bloom peeked her head over the bed to stare at the older girl sprawled across the wooden floor. She grinned innocently at the frown she received.

"Applejack told me to wake you. Hurry, there's apple cinnamon french toast for breakfast!" she said brightly before bouncing off the bed and disappearing through the door.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes in frustration, groaning loudly.

"Rainbow, there you are!" Applejack greeted with a smile as the tired girl entered the kitchen. "Come eat your breakfast. We gotta hurry or we'll be late."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes slightly but did as told. Can't quite complain when there's a delicious breakfast waiting for you.

She took a seat and grabbed a plate. "Do we have to go to school today?"

Applejack crossed her arms, glaring at her. Rainbow furrowed her eyebrows.

"...Okay fine. But only because you made me breakfast," she muttered in defeat.

"Don't you flatter yourself too much. I made breakfast for my family, you just happened to be here," Applejack teased. Rainbow took a huge bite of the toast, chewing loudly without shame before swallowing with a gulp.

"Oh yeah? I bet that's why you were waiting for me to start eating," she teased back, causing Applejack to glance down at the untouched plate in front of her.

"Waitin' for you? I was waitin' for Apple Bloom, actually."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes at her.

"No way I'd believe that," she stated. Applejack chuckled.

"Whatever cranks your tractor," she answered.

Pinkie Pie stared into the magenta eyes pleadingly.


"No way."

"Pretty pleaseee?"

"A thousand times no."

"Why not!?" she begged.

"Because I say so! The last thing me and Applejack need is every breathing person on this planet to know about us," Rainbow Dash replied. "Seriously, a party to celebrate a relationship? What are people supposed to say? 'Congrats on progressing in your life, I'm so proud of you for loving someone'?"

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