Chapter 8: Ignorance

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A/N: I've made up my mind to continue this story. Thank you for your votes, comments, and support!

Chapter 8: Ignorance

Rainbow Dash stomped her way out and circled the corner of the café, pressing her back against the wall to calm the strong feelings of annoyance and anger rising up inside her. She was taking deep breaths, trying to calm her heart down from the unexpected encounter. She stayed in that position for a few minutes and it took her way longer to collect herself than she'd expected. Confusion slowly crept its way into her mind as she groaned and lightly started massaging her temples with her fingers.

"What the hell is she playing at?" she muttered to herself, purely out of frustration.


Rainbow Dash jumped in surprise. She inhaled deeply.

"Pinkie Pie," she said softly.

"Yes, Dashie?"

"Will you STOP following me around and popping out of nowhere all the time!?" Another deep breath. "What are you doing out here anyway? Weren't you inside just a moment ago?" Pinkie Pie tilted her head playfully, a smile planted on her lips.

"Yep. But not anymore! Besides, I wasn't following you, I actually thought you'd left by now. It's been a while since you stormed out." The pink-haired girl placed a finger on her chin, pondering for a moment. "I was just getting some fresh air when I heard heavy breathing behind the building and decided to see what was happening. Little did I know, it was just you! What a surprise, am I right?" She still had that stupid smile on her face. Rainbow stared at her for a few seconds before letting out a deep sigh.

"Can you just leave me alone? Please?" She asked desperately.

"Aw, bummer... I was about to tell you what Applejack said but I guess you d-"

"Wait." Rainbow's hand quickly made its way to cover Pinkie's mouth, silencing her. "Did she talk about me?"

The pink girl nodded.

"What did she say?"


Rainbow rolled her eyes and took her hand away.

"Whew, I could barely breathe! You know, sometimes I wonder why you always have to put your h-"

The hand was, once again, placed on the pink lips. Pinkie protested.


"Will you just tell me what she said!?"

Pinkie quickly nodded. The hand was yet again, pried away from the mouth.

"Sorry, I get distracted easily. Speaking of distraction, it's a little funny actually! The other day-"


"Yes, Dashie?"

Rainbow Dash could feel her patience resting on a thin line.

"What did Applejack say?" she asked as calmly as she possibly could, her left eye twitching slightly.

"Right! She just said that she didn't know anything about why you were acting the way you are. It kinda worried us even more because if Applejack wasn't the problem, we have no idea what is." Pinkie Pie said, her smile fading slightly as concern filled her voice.

And just like that, Rainbow Dash was furious.

"She- she what!?" she managed, through choked, dry laughter. Pinkie took a small step back, surprised by the other girl's reaction.

"What is it? Did I say something wrong?" The pink-haired girl asked worryingly.

Rainbow Dash could feel the anger inside her building up with every passing second. Applejack said she didn't know what the problem was? Applejack, the element of honesty said THAT?Rainbow couldn't believe how oblivious and ignorant the blonde was. So what? Applejack had actually decided to pretend as nothing happened? Like actually?! She threw her hands in the air, holding in a scream that she so desperately wanted to let out.


"Where is she!?" Pinkie jumped at the sudden raised voice.

"Uhh.. I'm pretty sure she's still inside," she replied while staring blankly into the magenta eyes.

"I- you- she- UGH I CANT BELIEVE THIS!" Rainbow Dash, for what felt like the 100th time that week, stormed off on her own.

"Uh, guys?"

Four sets of eyes looked up to meet the pink-haired girl, who was standing awkwardly by the door.

"I think I might've done something to Dashie. She is very..." she trailed off.

There was a moment of silence as the girls by the table exchanged confused glances.

"Very... Angry. Like, very extremely super duper angry."

More confused glances.

"What happened?" Twilight asked, gesturing the girl to take a seat beside her. Pinkie Pie, who was still a bit shocked at the sudden explosion of her friend, slowly took a seat and started explaining briefly what she had just witnessed.

"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight." Twilight seemed to be in deep thoughts. "You saw her behind the building, talking to herself."

Pinkie nodded.

"And then you stepped in."

Pinkie nodded.

"And she asked you to leave."

Pinkie nodded.

"And you didn't."

Pinkie nodded.

"And now she's mad?"

Pinkie shook her head.

"No, then I said that I was going to tell her what Applejack said, and then she put her hand on my mouth and asked me if Applejack had mentioned her and I nodded and then she asked what and took away her hand so I could breathe and-"

"NOW WAIT A FINE MINUTE! Ya told her what I said 'bout her!?" Applejack stood up from her seat, raising her voice suddenly. She gained a few annoyed glances from the other tables.

Pinkie Pie nodded slowly.

"What!? Why did you-" Applejack started, but she quickly shut her mouth when she noticed the rest of the girls staring at her, faces filled with questions and suspicion.

Applejack blinked at them for a moment before quietly excusing herself and making her way out the front door.

A/N: I'm actually starting to get lots of ideas of where this should go and I'm excited to share them. This story will be filled with angst and fluff so I hope you're ready for that!

Hope you enjoyed it and please please please, do leave me a comment. It makes my day to know that people are actually reading and enjoying this fanfic.

- A

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