Chapter 23: Kiss Already

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Chapter 23: Kiss Already

"H-hey guys..." a nervous laugh escaped Rainbow's lips. She stood up and brushed her hands through her clothes awkwardly, noticing how a blush krept it's way up the blonde girl's cheeks as she pulled her hat down to cover her face in embarrassement. None of the four girls reacted to her greeting.

"Uh... what's up?" Rainbow tried instead.

"Rainbow..." Applejack mumbled through clenched teeth underneath her hat.

"What?" she whispered through clenched teeth, to which Applejack just groaned.

"W-well..." Twilight was the first to snap back to her senses as she hurridely shoved the other girls out the door. "We- uh... we'll just, er, you know... yeah," she laughed awkwardly, potining downstairs.

"Y-yeah. I mean, sure. Okay. Cool," Rainbow Dash spluttered, equally as awkward, as she scratched the back of her head.

The four girls were gone in the blink of an eye, all wide eyed and still not having comprehended what they just witnessed.

Applejack kept her face covered with her hat as she hung her head low in shame. Rainbow Dash studied her quietly. For a long time, neither of the girls moved or spoke a single word, until Rainbow finally couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence with a deep sigh.

"Now what?"

Applejack shook her head helplessly.

"Now we tell em everythin'."

Rainbow Dash looked uncertain as she shifted nervously on her spot.

"Everything?" She asked hoarsely. Applejack simply sighed and nodded.


Rainbow Dash didn't reply. She knew that Applejack was right, that they should tell them what's going on, but she didn't understand why it would be necessary to tell them every single detail of it. She didn't dare to question it though, seeing how mortified the blonde looked in her current state. She gulped loudly before slowly lowering herself to sit back down on the blonde's lap. Her hand snuck up to softly grab a hold of the soft material. She paused for a while, hesitating, before shaking her head and pulling the hat off and dropping it on the ground beside them.

Her eyes instantly met with the emerald ones. Applejack's face was redder than an apple and her eyebrows hung low. She just looked like a combination of disappointment and embarrassment, which Rainbow found a bit fascinating, having never seen that expression on the blonde's features before.

"Hey," she whispered and smiled slightly. "It'll be fine."

Applejack stared blankly at her for a few seconds before she, surprisingly, put her hands around the other girl's waist and pulled her into a tight embrace. Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise, before smiling and returning the hug.

"Rainbow Dash?" Applejack called softly.


Applejack didn't reply. She just tightened her embrace around the girl and remained silent until Rainbow decided to repeat herself with yet another 'Yeah?'. She rested her chin on the rainbow-haired girl's shoulder as she sighed and mumbled a quiet reply.

"I'm just so..." she started, pausing as she hesitated. Rainbow crooked an eyebrow.

"Yeees?" she whispered slowly, dragging the word out as much as possible, in a questioning tone. "You're so, what?" She asked curiously. "Surprised? Scared? Nervous? Screwed?"

"In love."

Rainbow Dash immediately stopped in her tracks and almost screamed. Her heart skipped a beat and she pulled away from the embrace to stare into the girl's eyes in surprise, as if searching for an answer.

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