Chapter 13: The Only Solution

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Chapter 13: The Only Solution

Rainbow Dash violently shoved the ring back inside the backpack, zipped it closed and threw it at Applejack who caught it just in time.

"Congrats," she managed while fighting the urge to scream in frustration. She knew she shouldn't be acting this selfish. She knew that Applejack didn't have a choice, that it wasn't her fault, but she couldn't help but feel betrayed.

"Rainbow... I'm sorry, I really am. I don't want this either."

"It's fine. I get it."

The two girls stared at each other for a while, both too busy blinking back tears to say anything. Rainbow Dash was still in denial of the whole situation. She couldn't seem to comprehend the fact that Applejack, her childhood friend, the closest person she's ever been to, the 17-year-old girl standing in front of her was engaged with someone she barely knew for the bare purpose of surviving. Rainbow didn't know how to feel. Hurt? No, it wasn't Applejack's fault. But the girl had hidden it from her... though that wasn't entirely her fault either.

"Ugh.." She rubbed her face tiredly. The girl had never been in such a confusing and frustrating situation before and she really didn't know where to go from here. She felt like her brain had been jammed to a stop and the only thing she wanted to do right now was to curl up in her bed and sleep away her problems.

"You..." Applejack started, but hesitated. Rainbow Dash kept her hands on her face, not saying a word. "About yesterday..." she continued slowly.

"What about yesterday?" Rainbow asked dryly, still swimming deep in her own pool of thoughts.

"I'm really sorry... about the whole thing that happened yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt ya."

"It's cool."

"No Rainbow, it ain't. You should've seen yourself walkin' into class this mornin'... I know what I did and I'm apologizin for it, I shouldn't have done that. In fact, no one should ever do that to you, ya don't deserve it. I know it must've really been very hurtful, seeing that you reacted in such an... uncharacteristic way."

Rainbow Dash looked up finally, eyebrows furrowed. She brought her hand up to her forehead as she inhaled and spoke with a low voice.

"Applejack, what in the world are you rambling about?"

"You- uh.. what I'm trying to say is..." she dropped her head down, eyes coming in contact with the ground. "I made you really sad, didn't I?"

Rainbow blinked.

"I'm just.. apologizin' for making you cry that much," Applejack said as she allowed a sigh to slip between her lips.

"...That much?"

"Oh come on Rainbow, it's not hard to tell. You walked into the classroom 30 minutes late, hair all messed up and eyes swollen and redder than our best-selling apples."

Rainbow Dash stared at her with wide eyes, both surprised and embarrassed that it had been that obvious. Her gaze dropped.

"Yeah, whatever. Big deal."

Applejack nibbled nervously on her bottom lip before finally asking what she's been wondering for the past minutes.

"So... we're good?"

"I guess," Rainbow muttered.

"No more fightin'?"

The girl nodded in response. Applejack couldn't help but find herself unsatisfied with the reply.

"Are ya mad at me, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head.

"I'm just... confused."

The blonde raised an eyebrow at her. "About?"

"About everything. You're still really young... How old is he? Is this even legal? And besides, I thought your barn door didn't swing that way. You're really willing to sacrifice your whole future and happiness, the rest of your entire life, just for a simple collaberation? Is there really no other way for this?" She stared helplessly at her shoes.

Applejack felt her heart sink at the usually enthusiastic and confident girl standing in front of her, looking defeated and exhausted. She took a few steps forward, reducing the gap between them until they were almost touching. Despite this, Rainbow kept her gaze down.

"I'm sorry."

Applejack brought her hand up to brush away a strand of the messy rainbow-coloured hair, placing it neatly behind her ear. She proceeded to stroke the girl's cheek softly before bringing her hand down to her chin, grabbing it and tilting Rainbow's head up to look at her properly.

"I'm sure you'll find someone that is even better suited for you than I am."

Rainbow chuckled sarcastically. "Bullshit."

"Soarin and you would be a perfect match," the blonde continued, ignoring the remark.

Wait, what?

Rainbow Dash choked on her spit at the sudden name.

"Me and who!?"

"Soarin. Y'all have similar interests, look up to the same people and you're both aiming for the same career path in the future. You would be perfect for each other... And he's pretty handsome too."

"Applejack– what are you saying!?" Rainbow Dash grabbed the blonde's wrist and pulled her hand away from her chin. She stared at the girl intensely, still holding onto her wrist.

"I'm just sayin'.. The two of you get along really well and he obviously adores ya. He's nice and carin and I think he already sees you as more than just a friend. I think ya should give him a chan—"

Rainbow Dash tugged hard at the blonde's arm, causing the girl to stumble forward. She swiftly placed a hand by the back of Applejack's head and pulled her in, closing the distance between them as the two soft pairs of lips met.

Applejack gasped into the kiss. She tried to pull away at first but after a good one second of trying, she realized it was useless and finally gave up and melted into the kiss. Her arms found their way around Rainbowdash's waist, pulling her even closer as she kissed her hard. One of Rainbow's hands rested softly on the nape of the Applejack's neck as the other one was tangled deep in the blonde locks.

"Rainbow.." Applejack moaned into the kiss as the other girl nibbled softly on her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth hesitantly and the other girl wasted no time to practically shove her tongue inside, exploring and searching every corner possible.

As Rainbow's right hand brushed lightly through Applejack's hair, it caused her hat to fall off and hit the ground with a light thud. This instantly caught the blonde's attention as she snapped back into reality. She grabbed Rainbow by her shoulders and lightly pushed her back, breaking the kiss.

The two girls simply stared at each other, both trying desperately to catch their breaths. Rainbow studied the emerald orbs quietly, trying to find out why the girl had ruined the more than wonderful moment they just shared.

"Rainbow... We can't- I mean- I can't do this," she said hoarsely, still panting.

Rainbow kept staring into her eyes, looking sad and unsatisfied. For a few moments, she seemed to be debating what to do next until she finally sighed and shifted her gaze back down again. She slowly let go of the girl and stepped back.

"I have to go," she muttered under her breath before whipping her body around and blasting down the school grounds.

Applejack was left with nothing but a backpack, an unworn engagement ring, and a strong lingering feeling of dissatisfaction and disappointment for not touching the rainbow-haired girl nearly as much as she wished to.

A/N: how was that? I always feel so awkward describing kiss scenes idk xD

This was a rather short chapter I think but more is coming up soon so stay tuned! And thanks for all the nice comments and support, ily all<3

- A

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