Chapter 16: Uninvited Guest

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Chapter 16: Uninvited Guest

Rainbow Dash's eyelids fluttered open slowly. She could feel a slight burn in the back of her eyes, as they carefully adjusted to the sudden brightness. She yawned and looked around before realizing that she was in a... balcony?

The girl blinked in confusion a few times before finally remembering the events of the night before.

"Oh, jeez.." she rubbed her eyes tiredly before looking around the balcony, searching for a certain blonde and feeling extremely disappointed when she was nowhere to be found. "Where did she run off to?" she mumbled quietly to herself, as she stood up and smoothed her clothes out to look at least a little presentable before walking downstairs to greet the others. She thought about how confused and worried they must've been when waking up to find her and Applejack missing. Luckily, since the blonde had gotten up before her, she surely must've already explained the whole situation to them.

In other words, Rainbow Dash was saved from questioning. She smiled proudly to herself before stopping in her tracks suddenly.


If Applejack had been the one to explain and she was the element of honesty...

The pink eyes widened in realization before Rainbow quickly stood up and reached to swing the door open, clumsily making her way out the room and down the hallway.

The girls were sitting by the table and enjoying their breakfasts when suddenly, a loud thud could be heard from upstairs.

"Oh dear... do you think she's okay?" Fluttershy asked, glancing at the staircase.

"Oh, I'm sure she's fine!" Pinkie answered happily, taking a big bite of her cake.



All gazes were slipped away from their food to stare at Rainbow Dash, who could currently be found by the bottom of the staircase as she pushed herself off the floor.

"Good morning darling, breakfast is ready for you!" Rarity ignored the distressed look on the girl's face as she greeted her with a smile.

Rainbow Dash quickly brushed her clothes off once again, before turning and taking a look around the table. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Where's Applejack?"

"She left already. She said she had some important stuff to take care of," Rarity replied slowly as she appeared to be thinking. "Well anyway, enough of that! Sit down and get yourself something to eat!"

Rainbow Dash remained on her spot. "When did she leave? What important stuff? Where did she go? Did she tell you anything?"

"Uh- well... she left around an hour ago in quite a hurry. She didn't mention what she was going to do or where she was going but I'm guessing she went back home to work, or something along those lines," Rarity replied. "And no, not really... I was about to ask her why on earth the two of you were sleeping peacefully together in my balcony, but I didn't get the chance to."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened.

"Oh, okay. That's cool." She brought her hand up and pointed at the door, a nervous smile plastered on her face. "I- uh- gotta dash. Some stuff I have to get done, you know. So uh... yeah. See ya!"

And just like that, the girl was gone, leaving nothing but a wide open front door.

"Alright then," Twilight mumbled, proceeding to evenly spread out a bit of butter on her toast.

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