Chapter 26: Impulse

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A/N: I went back and edited my old chapters to correct my grammar and spelling errors and APPARENTLY every time you edit a paragraph, the comments attached to it get detached. Now I'm upset because I loved reading the comments people left throughout the chapters :( ok you don't care anyway let's go

Chapter 26: Impulse

Rainbow Dash entered her house and happily skipped her way upstairs. She momentarily stopped in her tracks, wondering whether she'd gone too far, but the thought was quickly blown away as she remembered her conversation with Soarin.

"Well..." Soarin cleared his throat. "I talked to Applejack earlier today," he explained carefully as he studied Rainbow's reaction. Her eye twitched slightly.

"Uh-huh," she managed.

"And she told me that you two are..." Soarin paused for a second. He wondered if he really should tell Rainbow all of this. The girl was looking distressed without him even finishing his sentence. He did tell Applejack he'd keep it a secret, and he's not one to break promises. But in the midst of rational thinking, his emotions took over. "Dating," he blurted after a sharp inhale. He scanned the girl's face.

"She... told you that we're dating?" Rainbow's eyes were wide as she repeated his confession, needing verification. Soarin nodded, and Rainbow allowed her stiff shoulders to drop. "But why?" she asked. Soarin felt a sharp sting in his chest at the hurt in the girl's voice

"You should ask her that. I've already told you too much, I promised Applejack I wasn't going to say anything," he replied and sighed. "You're lucky I have feelings for you."

"What was that?" Rainbow asked quickly.


Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head. Why would Applejack tell Soarin that? Actually, why would she tell anyone at all without letting Rainbow know? Not to mention that Soarin wasn't even Applejack's friend, he was Rainbow's. Why is she going around behind her back, telling friends that aren't even her own about their relationship?

She was so deep in her own thoughts that she had almost forgotten Soarin's presence, had he not spoken up.

"Don't tell her I told you," he said slowly. "Just... let her tell you herself."

"Let her tell you herself," Rainbow Dash mocked as she arrived in her bedroom. "Yeah, right. She sure did an awesome job at that."

Rainbow didn't even have time to cross her room before she felt a vibration in her pocket. She shoved her hand into her pocket and dug out her phone, staring at the display for a few seconds before picking up.

"Oh hey AJ," she said casually.

"Rainbow, where are you?" was the stern greeting she received.

"Home," Rainbow answered simply, a small smile on her lips. "Why?"

"I'm comin' over," was the immediate response before Applejack hung up.

Rainbow swallowed and slowly put her phone away, realizing that she no longer found the whole situation as amusing.

She had acted on impulse, her selfish, stubborn, and childish side had taken over completely. And even though Applejack did go and tell Soarin about them, Rainbow had barely bothered to hear an explanation before she found herself running towards Sweet Apple Acres. But what was she to do, when Applejack wasn't even admitting it?

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